TIME's timeless Agenda (Thread)

You can Follow @StarBoy2079 on X(former Twitter).

How Deep State destroyed America and what India and other countries can learn

If you can control education system, media and cinema, You can brainwash whole generation

This thread is not on TIME magazine but its a case study

how they they used media to destroy American civilization

Subtle art of brainwashing lies in giving subtle information in such way that it looks unconnected

50s was era of the American "Baby Boom" as war veterans cud marry and have children
Fathers used to go to work n earn

enough money so that mother can stay home n raise children

American families were happy, rich n stick to family values. They used to have dinner together. Every Sunday they used to go Church

And it can be proved by 50s most famous TV serials which were family oriented

And then started a whole deep state agenda to destroy American civilization

In this thread, I will tell how TIME magazine did it but TIME alone was not there. It was a whole ecosystem, I am taking case study of TIME just to explain how they did it

“You don't need to manipulate Time magazine, for example, because there are [Central Intelligence] Agency people at the management level” William Bader (1976)

TIME magazine April 1966

Fist thing was to divert people's faith from God
Coz God was binding force of civilization

We will use sex to destroy civilizations - Illuminati (1776)

Time 1968 cover
Sex in the US : Mores and Morality

An then started a agenda to convert whole generation into sex hungry animals

Time July 1969
The Sex explosion

break all the barriers
It was just starting, American didnt know what was planned for them

TIME June 1972
The Satan returns

God was dead in 1966
Its time to make Satan alive in 1972

August 1973
Sex and teenager

After making adults sex hungry they diverted their attention to teen agers which was already planned

I am homosexual

destroy every fabric of society
why to leave them

June 1981
Cookian - A dug with status

CIA started feeding drugs to US citizen in 1948 but then it was limited only to blacks but now they were feeding to whites also

n who is better than their mockingbird to glamourize it

April 1984
Sex revolution is over

They have achieved their target till 80s and they proudly published it now its time was divert the attention from Parents to teens and kids

Freedom fight for LGBTQ

They are not doing exactly same in India today ?


May 1988

May 1989

They started focus of teen sex and for that they started fight for abortion rights

July 1990
Abortion : should Parents have say

New agenda was Parents sud not have right to intervene is teen's abortion decisions

What about family sex
Incest relationships

Sex for sale

lets glamorize prostitution
We will need them for our Epstein island

The abortion pill

Its time to glamorize abortion pill so that teens can have sex freely

May 1993
Kids, Sex and Values
just do it, just wear condom n do it

It was time to groom kids for sex
So that elites can consume them

April 1997
Proudly say Yep I am Gay

TIME stands with you

June 1998
Your Kids know already about sex

Let them do it

June 2001
TIME international edition
Sex and Asia

After destroying western civilization, now lets divert attention to east

The battle over Gay teens

They posted this on mothers day
A suggestive incest cover

This trend u can see these days In Indian Instagram reels
TIME was heavily criticized for this cover

This was a satire on TIME 2012 incest edition

TIME was just one tool
Entire ecosystem was working to destroy American civilization

Now they are doing exactly same in India
and here they have given this responsibility to Social media and OTT specially Netflix and prime

Save India if u can from this degeneration

Pls Note: This is a thread written by StarBoy which was generated as an article! You can Follow @StarBoy2079 on X(former Twitter).