
When the world began, organized religion as we know it today did not exist. Instead, there was a universal wisdom known as Sanatan Dharma, which encompassed the eternal principles guiding human existence. However, as time passed, people from different regions embraced this wisdom and incorporated it into their own cultural and social contexts, leading to the formation of various religious traditions. Unfortunately, throughout history, some individuals with ulterior motives have exploited religion for political gain. In the face of this, it is crucial for people of all backgrounds to recognize the profound knowledge inherent in Sanatan traditions and unite against hatred, promoting peace, and rediscovering the universal path for the betterment of humanity.

The Evolution of Religion

Religion, in its purest form, serves as a means to connect with the divine and attain spiritual enlightenment. It provides a framework for understanding the mysteries of existence and offers guidance on how to lead a virtuous and meaningful life. However, as different cultures and civilizations emerged, the core principles of Sanatan Dharma were molded and adapted to fit their unique contexts, giving rise to various religions we see today.

The Role of Politics

Regrettably, the power and influence associated with religion have attracted individuals who seek to manipulate it for their own political agendas. By exploiting people's faith and manipulating religious sentiment, these individuals have used religion as a tool to gain control, oppress others, and promote division. This politicization of religion has often overshadowed the original essence and universal wisdom found in Sanatan Dharma and other traditions.

Rediscovering Sanatan Dharma

Sanatan Dharma, often referred to as Hinduism, is not merely a religion but a way of life. It encapsulates the eternal truths and principles that guide human existence, encouraging individuals to seek self-realization, practice compassion, and attain spiritual liberation. Its ancient scriptures, such as the Vedas, Upanishads, and Bhagavad Gita, offer profound insights into the nature of reality, consciousness, and the interconnectedness of all beings.

Unity in Diversity

While Sanatan Dharma forms the basis of Indian-subcontinent culture and spirituality, it is essential to emphasize that unity in diversity is a fundamental principle of this tradition. Sanatan Dharma recognizes the presence of multiple paths to spiritual realization, accommodating various beliefs and practices. It advocates respect for all religions and encourages individuals to find their unique paths while respecting others' choices.

Fighting Hatred and Division

In today's world, religious intolerance, bigotry, and violence have overshadowed the universal message of peace and harmony that lies at the heart of Sanatan Dharma. It is crucial for sane and compassionate individuals across the globe to awaken to the reality of this situation and work towards dismantling the walls of hatred and division. Embracing the principles of Sanatan Dharma, such as love, compassion, and tolerance, can help restore harmony and create a world where diverse religious and spiritual traditions coexist peacefully.


Sanatan Dharma, with its timeless wisdom and emphasis on spiritual growth and unity, provides a roadmap for humanity to navigate the challenges of our modern world. By recognizing the universal essence within all religious and spiritual traditions, we can foster mutual respect and understanding. It is through embracing the principles of Sanatan Dharma and promoting peace and compassion that we can overcome the divisive forces that seek to exploit religion for political gain. Let us unite in our pursuit of wisdom and strive for a world where the ideals of Vasudeva Kuttumbakam, the whole world as one family, and Om Shanti, the universal peace, become a reality.