⚡️In one of the biggest ever simultaneous raids, NIA is conducting raids at 30 locations in both Tamil Nadu and Telangana in ISIS Radicalization and Recruitment case.

The raids are underway in 21 locations in Coimbatore, 3 locations in Chennai, 5 locations in Hyderabad/Cyberabad, and 1 location in Tenkasi.

DMK councilor Mubasheera also raided. One Arabic College in Coimbatore is under scanner
⚡️In one of the biggest ever simultaneous raids, NIA is conducting raids at 30 locations in both Tamil Nadu and Telangana in ISIS Radicalization and Recruitment case. The raids are underway in 21 locations in Coimbatore, 3 locations in Chennai, 5 locations in Hyderabad/Cyberabad, and 1 location in Tenkasi. DMK councilor Mubasheera also raided. One Arabic College in Coimbatore is under scanner
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