The Quran: A book of hate literature:

A Pentagon briefing paper in 2006, titled “Motivations of Muslim Suicide Bombers”, pointed to the Quran as the main source of the pathological hatred that fills the mind and heart of every Muslim suicide bomber.

But the White House has always defended the position that Muslim terrorists are a tiny minority of heretics, “…who follow a perverted interpretation of Islam.

One of the most critical pieces of information Western politicians have always tried to bury under the rug is the fact that the barbarism committed by Muslim radicals has involved diverse ethnic groups of Muslim fundamentalists, from India to Israel to Indonesia to Spain to England, etc.

Quran and Hadith are a cohesive source that motivates all of them to commit such atrocities.

Western politicians cling to the myth that “Islam is a religion of peace”.

In every continent of this planet, in madrasas mostly funded by Saudi Arabia, Muslim children are fed the poisonous venom of hatred by the compulsory reading of “ Jews as ‘apes’ and Christians as ‘pigs’“.

Here are a few verses from well over 150 verses spread over hundreds of pages in the Quran to incite in the name of Allah acts of violence directed against Jews and Christians.

Know that we send down to the unbelievers (Jews and Christians) Devils who incite them to evil. Therefore have patience: their days are numbered. (Quran 19:87)

This verse is often chanted during the beheading rituals we have on radical Islamic websites. For the pious Muslim beheading his defenceless hostage, it is an act of heroic proportion, because he is slaughtering the Devil incarnated in the human form of an Infidel.

Satan has gained possession of the People of The Book (Jews and Christians) and caused them to forget Allah’s warnings. They are the confederates of Satan; Satan’s confederates shall assuredly be lost in ****. The Believers are the confederates of Allah (Hizbollah), and Allah’s confederates shall surely triumph. (Quran 58:19)

Another verse is recited frequently in the background of beheading rituals, to reinforce the view that by slaughtering Christians and Jews, a pious Muslim is killing Satan, not an innocent captive.

We will put terror into the hearts of the unbelievers (Jews and Christians). They serve other Gods for whom no sanction has been revealed. **** shall be their home; dismal indeed is the dwelling place of the evil-doers. (Quran 3:149)

A verse often used by Wahhabist radicals to encourage Muslims to kill indiscriminately innocent children, women, and seniors attending a wedding or using the public transit system.

After all, Jews and Christians worship gods that have not been sanctioned by the Allah of Islam, and they are all classified as evil-doers who shall perish in an earthly **** of Muslim design, make, and timing.

Do you fear the unbelievers (Jews and Christians)? Surely Allah is more worthy of your fear. If you are true believers make war on them; Allah will chastise them through you and humble them. He will grant you victory over them and heal the spirit of the faithful. (Quran 9:14)

Wahhabist preachers exploit this passage extensively to remind Muslim followers that Allah’s will for the believer is very clear; his or her primary religious duty should be to wage war on Jewish and Christian unbelievers, and thus impose on the kuffar Allah’s agenda for the salvation of humanity.

Cast into **** every hardened unbeliever, every opponent from the people of the book (Jews and Christians), and every doubting transgressor who has set up another God besides Allah. Hurl him into the fierce tormenting flames of ****. (Quran 50:21)

Jews do not worship Allah. They worship Adonai and Elohim… Christians are no better. Their Allah is known as Christ.

Suicide bombers use this verse to justify the blowing up of their explosive charges on buses and in a variety of public places frequented by Jews and Christians.

By becoming a shaheed (Arabic for martyr) and securing a place in Allah’s heavenly kingdom, the suicide bomber is hurling his victims (hardened unbelievers) into the fierce tormenting flames of ****.

Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews… (Quran 5:82)

Believers, do not make friends with any men other than your own people. They will spare no pains to corrupt you. They desire nothing but your ruin. Their hatred is clear from what they say, but more violent is the hatred which their ******* conceal. (Quran 3:117)

For a Wahhabist, the noblest religious duty is to exterminate from this planet the Jews, who have not honoured their covenant with Allah, and have refused to accept his messenger Muhammad as “The last of the monotheistic prophets”.

If scholars and academics thought that Mein Kampf, written by the psychopath Adolf Hitler, was the first literature demonizing and dehumanising Jews, they should go for an in-depth study of the Quran before making such claims.

The key obstacle preventing law enforcement agencies from terminating the activities of radical Muslim preachers who casually disseminate the venom of hatred in their mosques is not the lack of incriminating statements made to indoctrinate young minds, and very critical for securing convictions in a court of law.

The critical problem centers on the reality that law enforcement agencies cannot use hate laws to jail, or deport radical Muslim preachers, without the consent of the politicians who often dismiss Islamic fanaticism and hatred as the act of misguided naive individuals who are experiencing difficulties adapting to the Western way of life.

A politician who for the sake of political correctness refuses to believe in the math put forward by scholars and Western intelligence agencies after studying the finances and numbers of Muslim students attending Muslim madrassas (religious schools) all over the globe: “About 15% of the 1.8 billion Muslims in the world are now fundamentalists. That’s about 270 million Muslim zealots scattered over the world…” ready to cast into the fierce fire of **** Jews and Christians who for centuries have rejected the revelations of the prophet Muhammad.

Only a politician willing to bury his head in the sand will consider 270 million radicals as “a few” misguided individuals.

Any person with a sound mind will acknowledge that 270 million Muslim zealots represent a serious threat, especially when they have openly displayed a strong commitment to ruining the Western world to perform a religious duty clearly stated in the Quran.

Leave to me those who deny this revelation. We will lead them step by step to their ruin, in ways beyond their knowledge. (Quran 68:41)

The early history of Islam could be dismissed as fabrications by later generations of Muslim authors entrusted with the task of protecting the vested interests of the ruling Caliphs.

With a worldwide population of 1.8 billion Muslims, the annual amount of zakat (tithing), issued forth from this global body easily reaches some billions of dollars.

Islam’s entrenched power structure has no intention of relinquishing its grip upon this financial windfall.

Islam’s power players would risk losing everything rather than engage in the travails of actually earning a living through physical exertion.

The most basic vested interests of many Islamic clerics and scholars militate directly against any substantial reformation.

Discontinuing the compulsory aspect of financing jihad through zakat would eliminate a prime mover in terms of motivating Muslim charity.

Pic: A Hamas terrorist returning to Gaza with a hostage on a motorbike.
The Quran: A book of hate literature: A Pentagon briefing paper in 2006, titled “Motivations of Muslim Suicide Bombers”, pointed to the Quran as the main source of the pathological hatred that fills the mind and heart of every Muslim suicide bomber. But the White House has always defended the position that Muslim terrorists are a tiny minority of heretics, “…who follow a perverted interpretation of Islam. One of the most critical pieces of information Western politicians have always tried to bury under the rug is the fact that the barbarism committed by Muslim radicals has involved diverse ethnic groups of Muslim fundamentalists, from India to Israel to Indonesia to Spain to England, etc. Quran and Hadith are a cohesive source that motivates all of them to commit such atrocities. Western politicians cling to the myth that “Islam is a religion of peace”. In every continent of this planet, in madrasas mostly funded by Saudi Arabia, Muslim children are fed the poisonous venom of hatred by the compulsory reading of “ Jews as ‘apes’ and Christians as ‘pigs’“. Here are a few verses from well over 150 verses spread over hundreds of pages in the Quran to incite in the name of Allah acts of violence directed against Jews and Christians. Know that we send down to the unbelievers (Jews and Christians) Devils who incite them to evil. Therefore have patience: their days are numbered. (Quran 19:87) This verse is often chanted during the beheading rituals we have on radical Islamic websites. For the pious Muslim beheading his defenceless hostage, it is an act of heroic proportion, because he is slaughtering the Devil incarnated in the human form of an Infidel. Satan has gained possession of the People of The Book (Jews and Christians) and caused them to forget Allah’s warnings. They are the confederates of Satan; Satan’s confederates shall assuredly be lost in hell. The Believers are the confederates of Allah (Hizbollah), and Allah’s confederates shall surely triumph. (Quran 58:19) Another verse is recited frequently in the background of beheading rituals, to reinforce the view that by slaughtering Christians and Jews, a pious Muslim is killing Satan, not an innocent captive. We will put terror into the hearts of the unbelievers (Jews and Christians). They serve other Gods for whom no sanction has been revealed. Hell shall be their home; dismal indeed is the dwelling place of the evil-doers. (Quran 3:149) A verse often used by Wahhabist radicals to encourage Muslims to kill indiscriminately innocent children, women, and seniors attending a wedding or using the public transit system. After all, Jews and Christians worship gods that have not been sanctioned by the Allah of Islam, and they are all classified as evil-doers who shall perish in an earthly hell of Muslim design, make, and timing. Do you fear the unbelievers (Jews and Christians)? Surely Allah is more worthy of your fear. If you are true believers make war on them; Allah will chastise them through you and humble them. He will grant you victory over them and heal the spirit of the faithful. (Quran 9:14) Wahhabist preachers exploit this passage extensively to remind Muslim followers that Allah’s will for the believer is very clear; his or her primary religious duty should be to wage war on Jewish and Christian unbelievers, and thus impose on the kuffar Allah’s agenda for the salvation of humanity. Cast into hell every hardened unbeliever, every opponent from the people of the book (Jews and Christians), and every doubting transgressor who has set up another God besides Allah. Hurl him into the fierce tormenting flames of hell. (Quran 50:21) Jews do not worship Allah. They worship Adonai and Elohim… Christians are no better. Their Allah is known as Christ. Suicide bombers use this verse to justify the blowing up of their explosive charges on buses and in a variety of public places frequented by Jews and Christians. By becoming a shaheed (Arabic for martyr) and securing a place in Allah’s heavenly kingdom, the suicide bomber is hurling his victims (hardened unbelievers) into the fierce tormenting flames of hell. Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews… (Quran 5:82) Believers, do not make friends with any men other than your own people. They will spare no pains to corrupt you. They desire nothing but your ruin. Their hatred is clear from what they say, but more violent is the hatred which their breasts conceal. (Quran 3:117) For a Wahhabist, the noblest religious duty is to exterminate from this planet the Jews, who have not honoured their covenant with Allah, and have refused to accept his messenger Muhammad as “The last of the monotheistic prophets”. If scholars and academics thought that Mein Kampf, written by the psychopath Adolf Hitler, was the first literature demonizing and dehumanising Jews, they should go for an in-depth study of the Quran before making such claims. The key obstacle preventing law enforcement agencies from terminating the activities of radical Muslim preachers who casually disseminate the venom of hatred in their mosques is not the lack of incriminating statements made to indoctrinate young minds, and very critical for securing convictions in a court of law. The critical problem centers on the reality that law enforcement agencies cannot use hate laws to jail, or deport radical Muslim preachers, without the consent of the politicians who often dismiss Islamic fanaticism and hatred as the act of misguided naive individuals who are experiencing difficulties adapting to the Western way of life. A politician who for the sake of political correctness refuses to believe in the math put forward by scholars and Western intelligence agencies after studying the finances and numbers of Muslim students attending Muslim madrassas (religious schools) all over the globe: “About 15% of the 1.8 billion Muslims in the world are now fundamentalists. That’s about 270 million Muslim zealots scattered over the world…” ready to cast into the fierce fire of hell Jews and Christians who for centuries have rejected the revelations of the prophet Muhammad. Only a politician willing to bury his head in the sand will consider 270 million radicals as “a few” misguided individuals. Any person with a sound mind will acknowledge that 270 million Muslim zealots represent a serious threat, especially when they have openly displayed a strong commitment to ruining the Western world to perform a religious duty clearly stated in the Quran. Leave to me those who deny this revelation. We will lead them step by step to their ruin, in ways beyond their knowledge. (Quran 68:41) The early history of Islam could be dismissed as fabrications by later generations of Muslim authors entrusted with the task of protecting the vested interests of the ruling Caliphs. With a worldwide population of 1.8 billion Muslims, the annual amount of zakat (tithing), issued forth from this global body easily reaches some billions of dollars. Islam’s entrenched power structure has no intention of relinquishing its grip upon this financial windfall. Islam’s power players would risk losing everything rather than engage in the travails of actually earning a living through physical exertion. The most basic vested interests of many Islamic clerics and scholars militate directly against any substantial reformation. Discontinuing the compulsory aspect of financing jihad through zakat would eliminate a prime mover in terms of motivating Muslim charity. Pic: A Hamas terrorist returning to Gaza with a hostage on a motorbike.
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