In a tragic turn of events, Aseem Das, the father of the Mahadev app scam accused who asserted collecting funds for Bhupesh Bhagel, has been discovered dead in Chhattisgarh. Authorities are leaning towards suicide as the cause, yet there is an underlying question of whether his demise could be linked to the looming legal consequences and potential imprisonment, especially in the aftermath of unprecedented election results. The investigation is ongoing as the community grapples with the sorrowful circumstances surrounding his death.
In a tragic turn of events, Aseem Das, the father of the Mahadev app scam accused who asserted collecting funds for Bhupesh Bhagel, has been discovered dead in Chhattisgarh. Authorities are leaning towards suicide as the cause, yet there is an underlying question of whether his demise could be linked to the looming legal consequences and potential imprisonment, especially in the aftermath of unprecedented election results. The investigation is ongoing as the community grapples with the sorrowful circumstances surrounding his death.
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