The journalist asked the Congress national spokesperson and Gujarat Congress social media head “Rohan Gupta” who left the Congress, why did you leave the Congress?

So Rohan Gupta gave a very logical and touching answer

While being in Congress, I and my family started feeling that whether I am a Hindu or not, we were not able to celebrate our festivals with the same zeal and enthusiasm as other people of the colony were celebrating on the day the court decided in favor of Ram Temple. That day, people of the entire colony were celebrating with enthusiasm, so my family was sitting inside the house with the door closed, but on Ram Navami, when the whole country is in excitement, we used to sit at home dejected. During the Corona period, when the entire colony was praying for freedom from Corona by lighting lamps and banging utensils, my family was still watching them from the windows. When the whole of India was feeling proud of India's air strike on Pakistan, we were still locked in the rooms, suffocated. When the entire colony was celebrating the removal of Article 370, I and my children were locked in the drawing room and the most hurtful thing. The thing is that on the last 22nd, when the entire world, not just India, was participating in the inauguration ceremony of the Ram temple, I and my family were looking at him with great disappointment, but being a Congressman, I could not participate with him.

In the last ten years, there have been countless occasions when we had to ask ourselves whether we are Hindus or not. The Congress ideology was gradually making us anti-religion and at some point we were also becoming anti-national because we were facing every To oppose the good work that Modi government was doing

This is the only reason for me leaving Congress, it seems that now we have become Hindu again, now I will also be able to celebrate every festival with full joy with the residents of my colony.

The pain of every self-respecting Congressman!
The journalist asked the Congress national spokesperson and Gujarat Congress social media head “Rohan Gupta” who left the Congress, why did you leave the Congress? So Rohan Gupta gave a very logical and touching answer While being in Congress, I and my family started feeling that whether I am a Hindu or not, we were not able to celebrate our festivals with the same zeal and enthusiasm as other people of the colony were celebrating on the day the court decided in favor of Ram Temple. That day, people of the entire colony were celebrating with enthusiasm, so my family was sitting inside the house with the door closed, but on Ram Navami, when the whole country is in excitement, we used to sit at home dejected. During the Corona period, when the entire colony was praying for freedom from Corona by lighting lamps and banging utensils, my family was still watching them from the windows. When the whole of India was feeling proud of India's air strike on Pakistan, we were still locked in the rooms, suffocated. When the entire colony was celebrating the removal of Article 370, I and my children were locked in the drawing room and the most hurtful thing. The thing is that on the last 22nd, when the entire world, not just India, was participating in the inauguration ceremony of the Ram temple, I and my family were looking at him with great disappointment, but being a Congressman, I could not participate with him. In the last ten years, there have been countless occasions when we had to ask ourselves whether we are Hindus or not. The Congress ideology was gradually making us anti-religion and at some point we were also becoming anti-national because we were facing every To oppose the good work that Modi government was doing This is the only reason for me leaving Congress, it seems that now we have become Hindu again, now I will also be able to celebrate every festival with full joy with the residents of my colony. The pain of every self-respecting Congressman!
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