Mumbai: On Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal allegedly breaching Supreme Court bail conditions, Senior Advocate and BJP leader Hitesh Jain says, "The Supreme Court has passed an unprecedented order releasing Arvind Kejriwal on interim bail for 20 days, with certain terms and conditions. Arvind Kejriwal is also required to surrender again on June 2. One of the conditions is that he will not speak about his role in the case during any campaign or otherwise... In the protest that was led by him for the Aam Aadmi Party, he had all the rights to protest but he brazenly defied the conditions passed by the Supreme Court... There is no precedent for releasing a person for campaigning. However, he has not respected the liberty that has been granted. And today by commenting on his role in the case, is a brazen defiance of the SC order. He believes that he has every right to shamelessly, brazenly defy the institution. He has told the SC that he is not bound by the conditions. It is for the SC to see whether they will allow the rule of law or the jungle Raj of Arvind Kejriwal..."
Mumbai: On Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal allegedly breaching Supreme Court bail conditions, Senior Advocate and BJP leader Hitesh Jain says, "The Supreme Court has passed an unprecedented order releasing Arvind Kejriwal on interim bail for 20 days, with certain terms and conditions. Arvind Kejriwal is also required to surrender again on June 2. One of the conditions is that he will not speak about his role in the case during any campaign or otherwise... In the protest that was led by him for the Aam Aadmi Party, he had all the rights to protest but he brazenly defied the conditions passed by the Supreme Court... There is no precedent for releasing a person for campaigning. However, he has not respected the liberty that has been granted. And today by commenting on his role in the case, is a brazen defiance of the SC order. He believes that he has every right to shamelessly, brazenly defy the institution. He has told the SC that he is not bound by the conditions. It is for the SC to see whether they will allow the rule of law or the jungle Raj of Arvind Kejriwal..."
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