In the past 28 months, ₹25 crore from the Delhi public exchequer has been spent by Kejriwal and his associates to fight cases related to the liquor excise scam. Congress leader and lawyer Abhishek Manu Singhvi received ₹18.97 crore over the last 18 months for his legal services, while Advocate Rahul Mehra was paid ₹5.30 crore during the same 28-month period.
In the past 28 months, ₹25 crore from the Delhi public exchequer has been spent by Kejriwal and his associates to fight cases related to the liquor excise scam. Congress leader and lawyer Abhishek Manu Singhvi received ₹18.97 crore over the last 18 months for his legal services, while Advocate Rahul Mehra was paid ₹5.30 crore during the same 28-month period.
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