Udyam Registration Portal was launched on 01.07.2020. As on 24.07.2024, the total employment reported by MSMEs on the Udyam Registration Portal and Udyam Assist Platform is 20.51crore.

    but MSME are struggling for resources. because either everyone only want IAS/IPS/Peon job or no skill because ppl don't like hard work

    Jobs are not a problem in MSME, skilled resources is
    JOBS IN MSME SECTOR Udyam Registration Portal was launched on 01.07.2020. As on 24.07.2024, the total employment reported by MSMEs on the Udyam Registration Portal and Udyam Assist Platform is 20.51crore. but MSME are struggling for resources. because either everyone only want IAS/IPS/Peon job or no skill because ppl don't like hard work Jobs are not a problem in MSME, skilled resources is
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1140 Views 0 Reviews
  • Let me put some BLUNT facts which most of you may not like and it is not political

    1. Govt responsibility is not to give Jobs but to enable Job creation

    2. Govt job is shrinking and will shrink more as time pass. Lean mean Govt is good for progressive nation

    3. private sector offer maximum jobs but they are on merit and not charity service

    4. No private sector give you job on degree but the skill you carry

    5. Skills need to be updated on regular basis otherwise one day u would be shown door

    6. Focus on skills and not on degree

    7. Join a course not due to brand of college but your passion

    8. No job is small or big

    9. Do not race for job, build a career

    10. If you don't want to learn, U have no future

    11. Today every HR Dept check potential employee social media foot print and if they see 1% siding with Left, u will not get any job

    12. private sector demand performance even with their housekeeping staff. Keep in mind no charity

    13. No company hire liability, they need performers and task oriented people. If you are too Gyani from Jantar mantar, get lost.

    14. Last but not the least. The term "Job Security" is gone forever. UR a resource for any company. if you perform as per task given, u stay, otherwise get lost

    15. If your role model is from Bollywood, cricket, Left, rest assured I know your future. Unless that ur career line

    16. learn to take responsibility and stop blaming Govt or system or education. Me and all my kids and family are also from same system
    Let me put some BLUNT facts which most of you may not like and it is not political 1. Govt responsibility is not to give Jobs but to enable Job creation 2. Govt job is shrinking and will shrink more as time pass. Lean mean Govt is good for progressive nation 3. private sector offer maximum jobs but they are on merit and not charity service 4. No private sector give you job on degree but the skill you carry 5. Skills need to be updated on regular basis otherwise one day u would be shown door 6. Focus on skills and not on degree 7. Join a course not due to brand of college but your passion 8. No job is small or big 9. Do not race for job, build a career 10. If you don't want to learn, U have no future 11. Today every HR Dept check potential employee social media foot print and if they see 1% siding with Left, u will not get any job 12. private sector demand performance even with their housekeeping staff. Keep in mind no charity 13. No company hire liability, they need performers and task oriented people. If you are too Gyani from Jantar mantar, get lost. 14. Last but not the least. The term "Job Security" is gone forever. UR a resource for any company. if you perform as per task given, u stay, otherwise get lost 15. If your role model is from Bollywood, cricket, Left, rest assured I know your future. Unless that ur career line 16. learn to take responsibility and stop blaming Govt or system or education. Me and all my kids and family are also from same system
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1878 Views 0 Reviews
  • India announces abolition of 'Angle Tax'. Angel tax refers to the tax imposed on investments made by angel investors in startups.

    This will boost Start up funding and more entrepreneurs will join the race reducing load on Jobs and more job creation will happen
    India announces abolition of 'Angle Tax'. Angel tax refers to the tax imposed on investments made by angel investors in startups. This will boost Start up funding and more entrepreneurs will join the race reducing load on Jobs and more job creation will happen
    0 Comments 0 Shares 625 Views 0 Reviews
  • 17 killed, nearly 400+ wounded in clashes between students & police in Dhaka #Bangladesh

    Protestors demand the govt quash 30% quota in government jobs given to families of those who fought in 1971 war of independence from Pakistan

    Bangladesh currently faces huge youth unemployment. 1 in 5 of the 170 million population jobless

    Govt has cut mobile data across the country as protests spread like wild fire across other cities. The biggest since PM Sheikh Hasina came back to power the 4th time. She's called protesters "Rajakars" (war traitors). Protestors now demanding her resignation

    Deep State and Meow wants to change regime in Bangladesh to choke India from all sides!
    More power to Hasina
    17 killed, nearly 400+ wounded in clashes between students & police in Dhaka #Bangladesh Protestors demand the govt quash 30% quota in government jobs given to families of those who fought in 1971 war of independence from Pakistan Bangladesh currently faces huge youth unemployment. 1 in 5 of the 170 million population jobless Govt has cut mobile data across the country as protests spread like wild fire across other cities. The biggest since PM Sheikh Hasina came back to power the 4th time. She's called protesters "Rajakars" (war traitors). Protestors now demanding her resignation Deep State and Meow wants to change regime in Bangladesh to choke India from all sides! More power to Hasina
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1335 Views 0 Reviews
  • मैं चाहता हूँ देश के हर राज्य की सरकार और मंत्री इस तरह Aggressive stance रखे.

    कर्नाटक में Local लोगों के लिए Private Jobs में Reservation का कानून बनाया जा रहा था.. जिसके बाद बड़ा हल्ला मचा और NASSCOM ने भी इस पर आपत्ति जताई... और साथ ही कहा कि ऐसा होने से कंपनियों को दूसरे राज्यों में पलायन के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ सकता है.

    आंध्र प्रदेश के मंत्री और CM नायडू के बेटे नरा लोकेश ने इस अवसर का लाभ उठा कर बताया कि वह क्या क्या सुविधायें देंगे, अगर कंपनिया उनके प्रदेश में आएं.

    यह कोई छोटी मोटी बात नहीं है.... आंध्र प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री चंद्रबाबू नायडू से आपके राजनीतिक अलगाव हो सकते हैं... लेकिन यह बात मानने में कोई शक नहीं कि हैदराबाद को IT hub, Manufacturing hub बनाने में उनका बहुत बड़ा हाथ रहा है.

    जिस ज़माने में उत्तर भारत के मुख्यमंत्री जाति पाती के झगड़ो में और फ़टे टूटे infra से जूझ रहे थे.. उस ज़माने में नायडू अमेरिका जा कर Bill Gates और अन्य IT Leaders से मिला करते थे.... उस ज़माने में नायडू ही थे जो विदेशी दौरे पर सरकारी अफसरों के बजाये Professionals को ले कर जाते थे... और वहाँ की सरकारों और Corporates के साथ उनकी meetings हुआ करती थी.

    खैर बाद में आंध्र प्रदेश का विभाजन हुआ, तेलंगाना बना और हैदराबाद वहाँ की राजधानी बन गया..... आंध्र प्रदेश अब फिर से शुरआत कर रहा है... अमरावती को बसाना है.. वहीं उनके पास विशाखापत्तनम जैसा शहर भी है.. जहाँ असीमित सम्भावनाएं हैं.

    नायडू को फिर से 25-30 साल पहले जैसा काम करना पड़ेगा... और Corporates के लिए Red Carpet बिछाना पड़ेगा.... यह कदम आगे चल कर लाखों लोगों के लिये नौकरी और आजीविका का इंतजाम करेंगे.

    वहीं ऐसे Agrressive Stance रखने से कोई भी राज्य Private Sector में Reservation जैसा बेवकूफाना कदम नहीं उठा पायेगा.

    पिछले दिनों यही approach उत्तर प्रदेश में भी दिखी थी... जब पंजाब से आये कारोबारीयों से योगी आदित्यनाथ जी बार बार मिले.. उन्हें बेहतर सुविधाएं और Tax Benefit दिए.. जिसके बाद सैंकड़ो कम्पनिया पंजाब से उत्तरप्रदेश shift हो चुकी हैं.

    उससे पहले गुजरात ऐसे ही कई project महाराष्ट्र से ले चुका है.

    देश को आगे बढ़ाना है.. करोड़ों लोगों को रोजगार देना है... तो ऐसी ही Aggressive Strategy सबको अपनानी पड़ेगी.
    Dr GP
    मैं चाहता हूँ देश के हर राज्य की सरकार और मंत्री इस तरह Aggressive stance रखे. कर्नाटक में Local लोगों के लिए Private Jobs में Reservation का कानून बनाया जा रहा था.. जिसके बाद बड़ा हल्ला मचा और NASSCOM ने भी इस पर आपत्ति जताई... और साथ ही कहा कि ऐसा होने से कंपनियों को दूसरे राज्यों में पलायन के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ सकता है. आंध्र प्रदेश के मंत्री और CM नायडू के बेटे नरा लोकेश ने इस अवसर का लाभ उठा कर बताया कि वह क्या क्या सुविधायें देंगे, अगर कंपनिया उनके प्रदेश में आएं. यह कोई छोटी मोटी बात नहीं है.... आंध्र प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री चंद्रबाबू नायडू से आपके राजनीतिक अलगाव हो सकते हैं... लेकिन यह बात मानने में कोई शक नहीं कि हैदराबाद को IT hub, Manufacturing hub बनाने में उनका बहुत बड़ा हाथ रहा है. जिस ज़माने में उत्तर भारत के मुख्यमंत्री जाति पाती के झगड़ो में और फ़टे टूटे infra से जूझ रहे थे.. उस ज़माने में नायडू अमेरिका जा कर Bill Gates और अन्य IT Leaders से मिला करते थे.... उस ज़माने में नायडू ही थे जो विदेशी दौरे पर सरकारी अफसरों के बजाये Professionals को ले कर जाते थे... और वहाँ की सरकारों और Corporates के साथ उनकी meetings हुआ करती थी. खैर बाद में आंध्र प्रदेश का विभाजन हुआ, तेलंगाना बना और हैदराबाद वहाँ की राजधानी बन गया..... आंध्र प्रदेश अब फिर से शुरआत कर रहा है... अमरावती को बसाना है.. वहीं उनके पास विशाखापत्तनम जैसा शहर भी है.. जहाँ असीमित सम्भावनाएं हैं. नायडू को फिर से 25-30 साल पहले जैसा काम करना पड़ेगा... और Corporates के लिए Red Carpet बिछाना पड़ेगा.... यह कदम आगे चल कर लाखों लोगों के लिये नौकरी और आजीविका का इंतजाम करेंगे. वहीं ऐसे Agrressive Stance रखने से कोई भी राज्य Private Sector में Reservation जैसा बेवकूफाना कदम नहीं उठा पायेगा. पिछले दिनों यही approach उत्तर प्रदेश में भी दिखी थी... जब पंजाब से आये कारोबारीयों से योगी आदित्यनाथ जी बार बार मिले.. उन्हें बेहतर सुविधाएं और Tax Benefit दिए.. जिसके बाद सैंकड़ो कम्पनिया पंजाब से उत्तरप्रदेश shift हो चुकी हैं. उससे पहले गुजरात ऐसे ही कई project महाराष्ट्र से ले चुका है. देश को आगे बढ़ाना है.. करोड़ों लोगों को रोजगार देना है... तो ऐसी ही Aggressive Strategy सबको अपनानी पड़ेगी. Dr GP
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1305 Views 0 Reviews
  • ⚡️Haryana announces 10% reservation in State Govt Jobs for Agniveers.

    #Haryana government announces 10% horizontal reservation to Agniveers in the state in direct recruitment to the posts of Constable, Mining Guard, Forest Guard, Jail Warden and SPO.
    ⚡️Haryana announces 10% reservation in State Govt Jobs for Agniveers. #Haryana government announces 10% horizontal reservation to Agniveers in the state in direct recruitment to the posts of Constable, Mining Guard, Forest Guard, Jail Warden and SPO.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1072 Views 0 Reviews
  • Shop Now ===> https://ocnjdaily.com/fitspresso-really-support-healthy-weight-loss-tried-90-days-shocked/

    Shop Now ===> https://ocnjdaily.com/fitspresso-really-support-healthy-weight-loss-tried-90-days-shocked/ https://meclauneylee.tumblr.com/ https://www.provenexpert.com/kotreione/ https://fitspresso-coffee-cost.company.site/ https://startupcentrum.com/startup/fitspresso-coffee-does-it-work-know-the-facts-before-buy https://crypto.jobs/events/fitspresso-ingredients-dosage-and-real-results-worth-it-or-scam https://www.eventogo.com/event/fitspresso-review-analyzing-customer-feedback-urgent-warning-issued/ https://mosports.forums.rivals.com/threads/fitspresso-experts-opinion-revealed-the-truth-behind-this-%E2%80%9Ccoffee-loophole%E2%80%9C.59168/ https://sites.google.com/view/fitspressocoffeeprice/ https://groups.google.com/g/fitspresso--coffee/c/Rp_4baQd-sQ https://groups.google.com/g/breezetecshop/c/Xw1i_azjrNk https://groups.google.com/g/tensorflow-compression/c/WoD73APwspA https://ocnjdaily.com/tried-mozz-guard-mosquito-zapper-personal-experience/ https://newhealthvision.blogspot.com/2024/07/fitspresso-july-update-everything-you.html https://lookerstudio.google.com/reporting/fbbf876f-fa57-4457-ad8d-efa137033d36/ https://medium.com/@fitspressocoffeeprice/fitspresso-be-careful-fitspresso-coffee-benefits-open-price-49-904be29a44f2 https://zenodo.org/records/12736219 https://meclauney-lee.webflow.io/ https://meclauneylee.hashnode.dev/fitspresso-review-does-it-work-know-the-facts-before-buy https://meclauney-lee.jimdosite.com/ https://fitspressocoffeeprice.mystrikingly.com/ https://kleengs-staiol-hyaec.yolasite.com/ https://meclauneylee.godaddysites.com/ https://sb-dev.microsoftcrmportals.com/en-US/forums/general-discussion/e50e5a97-fe40-ef11-b4ad-0022480c534b
    Is FitsPresso Really Support Healthy Weight Loss - I Tried it 90 Days and I was shocked?
    Everyone wants to be in top shape for their lives, yet the ability to control their diet, exercise, and prepare a balanced meal throughout the day is nearly impossible for someone who has a hectic schedule.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1966 Views 0 Reviews
  • Degrees of 3 lakh officers and employees will be checked in Rajasthan, Bhajan Lal government's big decision

    The Rajasthan government will get all the degrees and certificates verified in the recruitments done in the last five years.

    Bhajanlal government has taken this decision after the racket of getting jobs through fake degrees and fake certificates came to light.

    In this regard, about 3 lakh applications for jobs received in Rajasthan in the last five years will be re-examined.

    In Rajasthan, cases of getting jobs through fake documents have come to light, from PTI to Sub-Inspector exams.
    Degrees of 3 lakh officers and employees will be checked in Rajasthan, Bhajan Lal government's big decision The Rajasthan government will get all the degrees and certificates verified in the recruitments done in the last five years. Bhajanlal government has taken this decision after the racket of getting jobs through fake degrees and fake certificates came to light. In this regard, about 3 lakh applications for jobs received in Rajasthan in the last five years will be re-examined. In Rajasthan, cases of getting jobs through fake documents have come to light, from PTI to Sub-Inspector exams.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1105 Views 0 Reviews
  • Official Website ==> https://ocnjdaily.com/tried-mozz-guard-mosquito-zapper-personal-experience/

    Scroll Down

    Official Website ==> https://ocnjdaily.com/tried-mozz-guard-mosquito-zapper-personal-experience/ Scroll Down https://mozzguardantibuglamp.godaddysites.com/ https://www.provenexpert.com/mozz-guard-anti-bug-lamp/ https://startupcentrum.com/startup/mozz-guard-mosquito-zapper-my-shocking-experience-2024 https://crypto.jobs/events/mozz-guard-scam-or-legit-do-not-try-until-you-read-this https://sites.google.com/view/mozzguardantibuglamp/ https://groups.google.com/g/mozz-guard-mosquito-reviews/c/CwzBmSO0Z8c https://groups.google.com/g/breezetecshop/c/i-jp7_NvMKU https://groups.google.com/g/tensorflow-compression/c/J-esGOh2yGY https://thesupperblogs.blogspot.com/2024/07/mozz-guard-mosquito-zapper-reviews-say.html https://lookerstudio.google.com/reporting/ee847168-60cf-4eb9-8482-196c8abbb869/ https://medium.com/@mozzguardzapperreviews/mozz-guard-mosquito-zapper-my-shocking-experience-2024-265c218ecd49 https://linktr.ee/bekolaneylee https://solo.to/dodremildlee https://bekolaneylee.start.page/ https://zenodo.org/records/12719833 https://mozzguardantibuglamp.company.site/ https://mozz-guard-anti-bug-lamp.webflow.io/ https://mozzguardantibuglamp.tumblr.com/ https://mozzguardantibuglamp.mystrikingly.com/ https://mozz-guard-anti-bug-lamp.jimdosite.com/ https://diords-spluagh-wiicks.yolasite.com/ https://startupcentrum.com/startup/mozz-guard-anti-bug-lamp https://www.startus.cc/company/mozz-guard-anti-bug-lamp https://ocnjdaily.com/tried-soulmate-sketch-heres-honest-review-amazing-experience/ https://ocnjdaily.com/mozz-guard-reviews-portable-mosquito-zapper-legit-scam-dont-buy-read/ https://www.eventogo.com/event/mozz-guard-mosquito-zapper%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8amy-shocking-experience-2024/ https://bentleysystems.service-now.com/community?id=community_question&sys_id=cf9e11821b534ed0c864a683604bcb70 https://bit.ly/mozzguardzapper
    I Tried Mozz Guard Mosquito Zapper: Here are My Personal Experience!
    The Mozz Guard Anti Bug Lamp is a solar-powered bug-repellent appliance that uses patented FlashBeam Technology to kill insects and also serve as a torch.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1158 Views 0 Reviews
  • India created 12.5 crore jobs during FY14-23, compared to only 2.9 crore during FY04-14: SBI report
    India created 12.5 crore jobs during FY14-23, compared to only 2.9 crore during FY04-14: SBI report
    0 Comments 0 Shares 386 Views 0 Reviews
  • How to know your jobs interview went well?
    The dynamics of job interviews have witnessed notable transformations in recent years, primarily attributable to the increasing prevalence of remote interview methods. Whether you're exploring job opportunities in bustling cities like Karachi or elsewhere, such as Jobs in Karachi, the sense of anticipation, preparation, and nervousness preceding an interview remains a shared reality for job seekers worldwide. This article delves into the nuances of determining the outcome of your job interview, providing valuable insights and effective strategies to navigate this pivotal phase of the job search journey.
    Read more: https://www.careerokay.com
    How to know your jobs interview went well? The dynamics of job interviews have witnessed notable transformations in recent years, primarily attributable to the increasing prevalence of remote interview methods. Whether you're exploring job opportunities in bustling cities like Karachi or elsewhere, such as Jobs in Karachi, the sense of anticipation, preparation, and nervousness preceding an interview remains a shared reality for job seekers worldwide. This article delves into the nuances of determining the outcome of your job interview, providing valuable insights and effective strategies to navigate this pivotal phase of the job search journey. Read more: https://www.careerokay.com https://www.careerokay.com/jobs/jobs-in-karachi
    Jobs in Pakistan -Latest (Jun 2024) - CareerOkay.com
    Find all the latest jobs. Are you looking for experience, entry level, full time or part time local jobs in Pakistan? Register FREE with CareerOkay.com. Get viewed by the Employers.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1144 Views 0 Reviews
  • LeLis & ker0sene toolkit ecosystem will NEVER tell you this 👇🏻👇🏻

    Job creation in Bharat HIGHEST in 18 years
    -S&P Global

    With business optimism HIGH

    Stock markets HIGH

    New infra projects like #VadhawanPort that will provide 10 lakh jobs & give GATI shakti to propel Bharat to top 3 economies in the world 🔥🔥

    Under the visionary leadership of @narendramodi ji 👍👍

    A suggestion -

    Please introduce another PLI-
    population-linked incentives like the productivity linked incentives

    Give more benefits to those to employ more people & run skill development programs/co-ordinate with Universities to get our youngsters industry-ready

    & give even more benefits to those who hire divyangs or have divyang-themed businesses

    Have skill census as suggested by Chandrababu Naidu

    Let’s make the best use of the population dividend that India is seeing

    Otherwise we know those with ker0sene toolkit just waiting to put st0nes in their hands

    India Unstoppable 🇮🇳🇮🇳
    LeLis & ker0sene toolkit ecosystem will NEVER tell you this 👇🏻👇🏻 Job creation in Bharat HIGHEST in 18 years -S&P Global With business optimism HIGH Stock markets HIGH New infra projects like #VadhawanPort that will provide 10 lakh jobs & give GATI shakti to propel Bharat to top 3 economies in the world 🔥🔥 Under the visionary leadership of @narendramodi ji 👍👍 A suggestion - Please introduce another PLI- population-linked incentives like the productivity linked incentives Give more benefits to those to employ more people & run skill development programs/co-ordinate with Universities to get our youngsters industry-ready & give even more benefits to those who hire divyangs or have divyang-themed businesses Have skill census as suggested by Chandrababu Naidu Let’s make the best use of the population dividend that India is seeing Otherwise we know those with ker0sene toolkit just waiting to put st0nes in their hands India Unstoppable 🇮🇳🇮🇳
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2101 Views 0 Reviews
  • "There is a particular community of people who got houses, toilets, roads, government jobs, ration and ₹1250 per month from the Modi government.

    But this community voted for Congress. Because their aim was not development but to remove Modi".

    - Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma
    "There is a particular community of people who got houses, toilets, roads, government jobs, ration and ₹1250 per month from the Modi government. But this community voted for Congress. Because their aim was not development but to remove Modi". - Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1109 Views 0 0 Reviews
  • Jalil Miah, one of the wanted human traffickers. He played a major role in trafficking of illegal Rohingyas & Bangladeshis into India. He also provided them with IDs, shelter & jobs.

    NIA even declared reward of Rs 1 lakh for his info.

    Now, finally, Jalil arrested by NIA
    Jalil Miah, one of the wanted human traffickers. He played a major role in trafficking of illegal Rohingyas & Bangladeshis into India. He also provided them with IDs, shelter & jobs. NIA even declared reward of Rs 1 lakh for his info. Now, finally, Jalil arrested by NIA
    0 Comments 0 Shares 892 Views 0 Reviews
  • 41 Muslim Communities have been given OBC Certificate by Mamata govt which enabled them to get priority in Govt jobs.

    - Calcutta High Court
    41 Muslim Communities have been given OBC Certificate by Mamata govt which enabled them to get priority in Govt jobs. - Calcutta High Court
    0 Comments 0 Shares 795 Views 0 Reviews
  • Indian software giant 'Zoho' is planning to enter the semiconductor sector with an investment of $700 million in chip manufacturing.

    Expect Zoho to face massive hitjobs and resistance through saboteurs and cabal via media activists in coming days.
    Indian software giant 'Zoho' is planning to enter the semiconductor sector with an investment of $700 million in chip manufacturing. Expect Zoho to face massive hitjobs and resistance through saboteurs and cabal via media activists in coming days.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 477 Views 0 Reviews
  • Employment Figures-Modi’s 10 Yrs Rule

    Total Employment Generated - 51.40 Cr

    I - Through Government Schemes (19.79 Cr) (Based on SKOCH Report)

    1. Under MNREGA - 10.6 Cr

    2. PMAY (Urban) - 3.95 Cr

    3. PMAY (Rural) - 1.95 Cr

    4. Swatch Bharat Mission - 0.39 Cr

    5. Deen Dayal Upadhyay -NULM - 0.20 Cr

    6. Rural Self Employment & TS - 0.29 Cr

    7. Aatm Nirbhar Bharat Rozgar Yojna - 0.60 Cr

    8. PM Kaushal Vikas Yojna - 0.25 Cr

    9. PM Employment Generation Program - 0.54 Cr

    10. PM Swanidhi Yojna - 0.42 Cr

    II - NSSO (National Sample Survey Office) Report on Employment in India

    1. Highest ever growth of employment in India between 2017-2023

    2. In these 5 Years, additional 8 Cr jobs created other than mentioned above

    3. Means every year 3.3% increments in jobs

    4. Women employment increased by baffling 8 %

    III - Periodic Labor Force Survey (PLFS) Report

    1. Employment Rates in India increased from 46% to 56% between 2017-2024

    2. Labour Force Participation increased from 49% to 58%

    3. Unemployment Rate decreased from 6% to 3.2 %

    IV - EPFO Figures

    1. 2014 - 11 Cr

    2. 2024 - 27 Cr

    V - Mudra Loans

    1. Loans Given - 43 Cr

    2. Total Disbursement - 23 Lakh Cr

    This is what happens when development takes over Vote Bank Politics

    Further SC/ST/OBC benefitted maximum through govt schemes with nearly 40% employment going to them

    Again this has benefitted all religions & castes overall

    Share and Spread
    Employment Figures-Modi’s 10 Yrs Rule Total Employment Generated - 51.40 Cr I - Through Government Schemes (19.79 Cr) (Based on SKOCH Report) 1. Under MNREGA - 10.6 Cr 2. PMAY (Urban) - 3.95 Cr 3. PMAY (Rural) - 1.95 Cr 4. Swatch Bharat Mission - 0.39 Cr 5. Deen Dayal Upadhyay -NULM - 0.20 Cr 6. Rural Self Employment & TS - 0.29 Cr 7. Aatm Nirbhar Bharat Rozgar Yojna - 0.60 Cr 8. PM Kaushal Vikas Yojna - 0.25 Cr 9. PM Employment Generation Program - 0.54 Cr 10. PM Swanidhi Yojna - 0.42 Cr II - NSSO (National Sample Survey Office) Report on Employment in India 1. Highest ever growth of employment in India between 2017-2023 2. In these 5 Years, additional 8 Cr jobs created other than mentioned above 3. Means every year 3.3% increments in jobs 4. Women employment increased by baffling 8 % III - Periodic Labor Force Survey (PLFS) Report 1. Employment Rates in India increased from 46% to 56% between 2017-2024 2. Labour Force Participation increased from 49% to 58% 3. Unemployment Rate decreased from 6% to 3.2 % IV - EPFO Figures 1. 2014 - 11 Cr 2. 2024 - 27 Cr V - Mudra Loans 1. Loans Given - 43 Cr 2. Total Disbursement - 23 Lakh Cr This is what happens when development takes over Vote Bank Politics Further SC/ST/OBC benefitted maximum through govt schemes with nearly 40% employment going to them Again this has benefitted all religions & castes overall Share and Spread
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1480 Views 0 Reviews
  • Number of people employed in India.

    2018-19 : 483 million
    2019-20 : 522 million
    2020-21 : 544 million
    2021-22 : 553 million
    2022-23 : 580 million

    (Source- Reserve Bank of India)

    मतलब पांच सालों में लगभग 10 करोड़ नई नौकरियां मिली लोगों को.......उधर विपक्ष कह रहा है नौकरी नहीं हैं.

    Only 2 kind of people are unemployed. One who has no skill and other who want govt jobs otherwise fact is all kind of industry are suffering from lack of skill people
    Number of people employed in India. 2018-19 : 483 million 2019-20 : 522 million 2020-21 : 544 million 2021-22 : 553 million 2022-23 : 580 million (Source- Reserve Bank of India) मतलब पांच सालों में लगभग 10 करोड़ नई नौकरियां मिली लोगों को.......उधर विपक्ष कह रहा है नौकरी नहीं हैं. Only 2 kind of people are unemployed. One who has no skill and other who want govt jobs otherwise fact is all kind of industry are suffering from lack of skill people
    0 Comments 0 Shares 583 Views 0 Reviews
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