"Embrace the journey of perpetual learning! Seek answers in ancient wisdom. Explore endlessly!"
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  • शबरी बोली - यदि रावण का अंत नहीं करना होता, तो राम तुम यहाँ आते ही नही!

    राम गंभीरता से कहा, भ्रम में न पड़ो माता
    राम क्या रावण का वध करने आया है ?

    अरे रावण का वध तो लक्ष्मण अपने पैर से वाण चला भी कर सकता है।

    राम हजारों कोस चल कर इस गहन वन में आया है तो केवल तुमसे मिलने आया है माता, ताकि हजारों वर्षों बाद जब कोई पाखण्डी भारत के अस्तित्व पर प्रश्न खड़ा करे तो इतिहास चिल्ला कर उत्तर दे कि इस राष्ट्र को छत्रिय राजा राम और उसकी भीलनी माँ ने मिल कर गढ़ा था। क्योंकि किसी भी सशक्त राष्ट्र की परिकल्पना बिना समाज के हर वर्ग को जोड़े तो हो ही नही सकती। जब तक समाज का गरीब, शोषित , वंचित , वनवासी आदिवासी किसी भी व्यक्ति की सत्ता से दूरी रहेगी, उंसकी भागीदारी नही होगी तब तक असली रामराज्य की कल्पना नही की जा सकती।

    जब कोई कपटी भारत की परम्पराओं पर उँगली उठाये तो तो काल उसका गला पकड़ कर कहे कि नहीं, यह एकमात्र ऐसी सभ्यता है जहाँ एक राजपुत्र वन में प्रतीक्षा करती एक दरिद्र वनवासिनी से भेंट करके आशिर्वाद लेता है।

    राम वन में बस इसलिए आया है ताकि जब युगों का इतिहास लिखा जाय तो उसमें अंकित हो कि सत्ता जब पैदल चल कर समाज के अंतिम व्यक्ति तक पहुँचे तभी असली रामराज्य है।

    राम वन में इसलिए आया है ताकि भविष्य स्मरण रखे कि प्रतिक्षाएँ अवश्य पूरी होती हैं, चाहे वो गरीब वृद्ध भीलनी की ही क्यों न हो। बस वहाँ विस्वाश की भावना प्रबल होनी चाहिए।

    राम ने फिर कहा- राम की वन यात्रा केवल रावण युद्ध के लिए नहीं है माता
    राम की यात्रा प्रारंभ हुई है भविष्य के लिए आदर्श की स्थापना के लिए
    राम आया है ताकि भारत को बता सके कि अन्याय का अंत करना ही धर्म है

    राम आया है ताकि युगों को सीख दे सके कि विदेश में बैठे शत्रु की समाप्ति के लिए आवश्यक है कि पहले देश में बैठी उसकी समर्थक सूर्पणखाओं की नाक काटी जाय और खर-दूषणो का घमंड तोड़ा जाये !

    और राम आया है ताकि युगों को बता सके कि रावणों से युद्ध केवल राम की शक्ति से नहीं बल्कि वन में बैठी शबरी के आशीर्वाद से जीते जाते हैं

    शबरी की आँखों में जल भर आया था

    उसने बात बदलकर कहा - बेर खाओगे राम ?
    राम मुस्कुराए, "बिना खाये जाऊंगा भी नहीं माता"

    शबरी अपनी कुटिया से झपोली में बेर ले कर आई और राम के समक्ष रख दिया
    राम और लक्ष्मण खाने लगे तो कहा - मीठे हैं न प्रभु ?

    यहाँ आ कर मीठे और खट्टे का भेद भूल गया हूँ माता
    बस इतना समझ रहा हूँ कि यही अमृत है

    शबरी मुस्कुराईं, बोली - "सचमुच तुम मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम हो राम"

    जय सियाराम....🙏⛳⛳

    The western model of LEADERSHIP is not Leadership, It is promoting slavery

    Every top University today have a course based on the Western model of LEADERSHIP but what they actually teach is how to manage, that is slavery

    The basis of strong deep rooted Leadership is CHARACTER
    शबरी बोली - यदि रावण का अंत नहीं करना होता, तो राम तुम यहाँ आते ही नही! राम गंभीरता से कहा, भ्रम में न पड़ो माता राम क्या रावण का वध करने आया है ? अरे रावण का वध तो लक्ष्मण अपने पैर से वाण चला भी कर सकता है। राम हजारों कोस चल कर इस गहन वन में आया है तो केवल तुमसे मिलने आया है माता, ताकि हजारों वर्षों बाद जब कोई पाखण्डी भारत के अस्तित्व पर प्रश्न खड़ा करे तो इतिहास चिल्ला कर उत्तर दे कि इस राष्ट्र को छत्रिय राजा राम और उसकी भीलनी माँ ने मिल कर गढ़ा था। क्योंकि किसी भी सशक्त राष्ट्र की परिकल्पना बिना समाज के हर वर्ग को जोड़े तो हो ही नही सकती। जब तक समाज का गरीब, शोषित , वंचित , वनवासी आदिवासी किसी भी व्यक्ति की सत्ता से दूरी रहेगी, उंसकी भागीदारी नही होगी तब तक असली रामराज्य की कल्पना नही की जा सकती। जब कोई कपटी भारत की परम्पराओं पर उँगली उठाये तो तो काल उसका गला पकड़ कर कहे कि नहीं, यह एकमात्र ऐसी सभ्यता है जहाँ एक राजपुत्र वन में प्रतीक्षा करती एक दरिद्र वनवासिनी से भेंट करके आशिर्वाद लेता है। राम वन में बस इसलिए आया है ताकि जब युगों का इतिहास लिखा जाय तो उसमें अंकित हो कि सत्ता जब पैदल चल कर समाज के अंतिम व्यक्ति तक पहुँचे तभी असली रामराज्य है। राम वन में इसलिए आया है ताकि भविष्य स्मरण रखे कि प्रतिक्षाएँ अवश्य पूरी होती हैं, चाहे वो गरीब वृद्ध भीलनी की ही क्यों न हो। बस वहाँ विस्वाश की भावना प्रबल होनी चाहिए। राम ने फिर कहा- राम की वन यात्रा केवल रावण युद्ध के लिए नहीं है माता राम की यात्रा प्रारंभ हुई है भविष्य के लिए आदर्श की स्थापना के लिए राम आया है ताकि भारत को बता सके कि अन्याय का अंत करना ही धर्म है राम आया है ताकि युगों को सीख दे सके कि विदेश में बैठे शत्रु की समाप्ति के लिए आवश्यक है कि पहले देश में बैठी उसकी समर्थक सूर्पणखाओं की नाक काटी जाय और खर-दूषणो का घमंड तोड़ा जाये ! और राम आया है ताकि युगों को बता सके कि रावणों से युद्ध केवल राम की शक्ति से नहीं बल्कि वन में बैठी शबरी के आशीर्वाद से जीते जाते हैं शबरी की आँखों में जल भर आया था उसने बात बदलकर कहा - बेर खाओगे राम ? राम मुस्कुराए, "बिना खाये जाऊंगा भी नहीं माता" शबरी अपनी कुटिया से झपोली में बेर ले कर आई और राम के समक्ष रख दिया राम और लक्ष्मण खाने लगे तो कहा - मीठे हैं न प्रभु ? यहाँ आ कर मीठे और खट्टे का भेद भूल गया हूँ माता बस इतना समझ रहा हूँ कि यही अमृत है शबरी मुस्कुराईं, बोली - "सचमुच तुम मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम हो राम" जय सियाराम....🙏⛳⛳ The western model of LEADERSHIP is not Leadership, It is promoting slavery Every top University today have a course based on the Western model of LEADERSHIP but what they actually teach is how to manage, that is slavery The basis of strong deep rooted Leadership is CHARACTER
    0 Comments 0 Shares 559 Views 0 Reviews
  • ISRO Chairman S Somanath advised setting up libraries in temples to attract youths to temples.

    He said "Youth can read, discuss various issues in the evenings, and develop their careers in temples"

    "Temples should also be a centre for transforming society"

    "He urged temple managements across the country to work towards attracting young people to temples"

    This is not any innovative idea, this is the true centuries old Sanatan way of life. Our Mandirs use to be lending bank and financial power house apart from centre for knowledge and learning. Slowly we are moving in that direction but the real problem is not Governments but Hindus who see it as backward

    Sanatan economics is not something innovated by any degree holders, it was the spine of Sanatan since ages.
    ISRO Chairman S Somanath advised setting up libraries in temples to attract youths to temples. He said "Youth can read, discuss various issues in the evenings, and develop their careers in temples" "Temples should also be a centre for transforming society" "He urged temple managements across the country to work towards attracting young people to temples" This is not any innovative idea, this is the true centuries old Sanatan way of life. Our Mandirs use to be lending bank and financial power house apart from centre for knowledge and learning. Slowly we are moving in that direction but the real problem is not Governments but Hindus who see it as backward Sanatan economics is not something innovated by any degree holders, it was the spine of Sanatan since ages.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 691 Views 0 Reviews
  • No amount of money can buy a life. No guilt or regret can change the past. We can't always be happy and right, but we can always choose to live each day happily and make things count.

    Good morning.
    Have a great day ahead !
    No amount of money can buy a life. No guilt or regret can change the past. We can't always be happy and right, but we can always choose to live each day happily and make things count. Good morning. Have a great day ahead !
    0 Comments 0 Shares 788 Views 0 Reviews
  • Tolerance, Patience, and Silence build on the foundation of Character is the virtue of a Yogi LEADER

    Consistency in practicing Tolerance, Patience, and Silence builds CREDIBILITY

    A true leader only speaks when its time to say CHECKMATE
    Tolerance, Patience, and Silence build on the foundation of Character is the virtue of a Yogi LEADER Consistency in practicing Tolerance, Patience, and Silence builds CREDIBILITY A true leader only speaks when its time to say CHECKMATE
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1019 Views 0 Reviews
  • Life is all about living in the moment!
    Relax and have fun!!
    Life is all about living in the moment! Relax and have fun!!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 720 Views 1 0 Reviews
  • The colourful world outside Mobile Phone
    The colourful world outside Mobile Phone
    0 Comments 0 Shares 440 Views 1 0 Reviews
  • What all you can do today if you stay away from your mobile and the internet...

    “Being offline gives you the space to focus on what’s right in front of you—and it also allows you to connect with people in a way that’s less stressful than constantly being connected all the time.”

    In today's world, it's hard to imagine being without our mobile phones and the internet. We use them for everything from staying connected with friends and family to getting work done. But what if we were to take a break from all of that? What would we do with our time?

    There are many things you can do when you're off mobile and internet. Here are a few ideas:

    1) Spend time with loved ones. This could mean going for a walk with your dog, playing games with your kids, or just sitting down and talking to your partner.

    2) Get creative. This could mean painting, writing, or playing an instrument.
    Exercise. Take a walk, go for a run, or do some yoga.

    3) Read a book. This is a great way to relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

    4) Meditate. This can help you to clear your mind and focus on the present moment.

    5) Garden. This is a great way to get some fresh air and exercise, and it's also very therapeutic.

    6) Volunteer. This is a great way to give back to your community and make a difference in the world.

    7) Take a nap. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just take a break and recharge.

    😍 Go for a drive. This is a great way to explore your surroundings and clear your head.

    9) Go stargazing. This is a great way to connect with nature and appreciate the beauty of the universe.

    10) Take a hike. This is a great way to get some exercise and enjoy the outdoors.

    11) Visit a museum. This is a great way to learn about history and culture.

    12) Go to a concert. This is a great way to enjoy live music and have some fun.

    13) See a documantry. This is a great way to relax and be entertained.

    14) Spend time in nature. This is a great way to de-stress and reconnect with yourself.

    15) Learn Something New: Offline days offer an opportunity to acquire new skills.

    16) Do nothing. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just relax and enjoy the moment. just sleep

    Taking a break from our mobile phones and the internet can be a great way to de-stress and reconnect with ourselves and the world around us.

    It can also be a great opportunity to try new things and explore our creativity.

    So next time you're feeling overwhelmed, why not try taking a break from technology? You might be surprised at how much you enjoy it.
    What all you can do today if you stay away from your mobile and the internet... “Being offline gives you the space to focus on what’s right in front of you—and it also allows you to connect with people in a way that’s less stressful than constantly being connected all the time.” In today's world, it's hard to imagine being without our mobile phones and the internet. We use them for everything from staying connected with friends and family to getting work done. But what if we were to take a break from all of that? What would we do with our time? There are many things you can do when you're off mobile and internet. Here are a few ideas: 1) Spend time with loved ones. This could mean going for a walk with your dog, playing games with your kids, or just sitting down and talking to your partner. 2) Get creative. This could mean painting, writing, or playing an instrument. Exercise. Take a walk, go for a run, or do some yoga. 3) Read a book. This is a great way to relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 4) Meditate. This can help you to clear your mind and focus on the present moment. 5) Garden. This is a great way to get some fresh air and exercise, and it's also very therapeutic. 6) Volunteer. This is a great way to give back to your community and make a difference in the world. 7) Take a nap. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just take a break and recharge. 😍 Go for a drive. This is a great way to explore your surroundings and clear your head. 9) Go stargazing. This is a great way to connect with nature and appreciate the beauty of the universe. 10) Take a hike. This is a great way to get some exercise and enjoy the outdoors. 11) Visit a museum. This is a great way to learn about history and culture. 12) Go to a concert. This is a great way to enjoy live music and have some fun. 13) See a documantry. This is a great way to relax and be entertained. 14) Spend time in nature. This is a great way to de-stress and reconnect with yourself. 15) Learn Something New: Offline days offer an opportunity to acquire new skills. 16) Do nothing. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just relax and enjoy the moment. just sleep Taking a break from our mobile phones and the internet can be a great way to de-stress and reconnect with ourselves and the world around us. It can also be a great opportunity to try new things and explore our creativity. So next time you're feeling overwhelmed, why not try taking a break from technology? You might be surprised at how much you enjoy it.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1775 Views 0 0 Reviews
  • To all my young friends-

    I impart to you the lessons I wish I had learned at your age.

    1.Always remember how Mahadev has guided your parents thus far, and He will lead you too as you choose to honor and serve Him.

    2. The most valuable treasures in life cannot be purchased with money; they are family, friends, dharma, and health. Pursue them relentlessly.

    3. Financial security does not come from a higher income but from living below your means.

    4. Not everyone will like or approve of you, and that's okay. What truly matters is that you respect yourself.

    5. Your character and who you are as a person hold greater importance than your achievements.

    6. Strive for excellence rather than perfection. Don't settle for simply doing your job; give it your very best.

    7. Don't take yourself too seriously; make a conscious effort to laugh and have fun.

    8. No matter what you achieve outside your home, it is meaningless if you haven't succeeded within it.

    9. Embrace the discomfort of taking risks. Every time you feel uneasy, you open yourself up to growth.

    10. Choose kindness over popularity.

    11. Define success on your own terms, not based on someone else's expectations.

    12. Be comfortable acknowledging your mistakes. It demonstrates authenticity and vulnerability.

    13.Without humility, your hard work loses its value.

    14. Make a habit of reading at least 10 pages of a good book daily, listening to an inspiring podcast once a week, and jotting down your thoughts.

    15. Be generous with compliments and sparing with criticism.

    16.Respect and treat women with utmost care, especially the woman you love.

    17. Show faithfulness in the small things.

    18. Stand by your word no matter what it takes.

    19. Explore the world through travel and create memories that will endure beyond your lifetime.

    20. Invest in your health by playing a sport, regularly going to the gym, or taking a daily walk.

    21. Strength is forged in the midst of struggles; make the best of difficult situations.

    22. Remember, it is perfectly acceptable for a man to shed tears.

    23. Always seek the silver lining in every situation.

    24. Engage in activities that nourish your mind, strengthen your spirit, and exercise your body every day.

    25. Choose your friends wisely. Surround yourself with those who uplift, challenge, and hold you accountable.

    एक उड़ते हुए गुब्बारे पर लिखा था

    वो जो बाहर है, वह नहीं...
    जो भीतर है, वही आपको ऊपर ले जाता है!
    To all my young friends- I impart to you the lessons I wish I had learned at your age. 1.Always remember how Mahadev has guided your parents thus far, and He will lead you too as you choose to honor and serve Him. 2. The most valuable treasures in life cannot be purchased with money; they are family, friends, dharma, and health. Pursue them relentlessly. 3. Financial security does not come from a higher income but from living below your means. 4. Not everyone will like or approve of you, and that's okay. What truly matters is that you respect yourself. 5. Your character and who you are as a person hold greater importance than your achievements. 6. Strive for excellence rather than perfection. Don't settle for simply doing your job; give it your very best. 7. Don't take yourself too seriously; make a conscious effort to laugh and have fun. 8. No matter what you achieve outside your home, it is meaningless if you haven't succeeded within it. 9. Embrace the discomfort of taking risks. Every time you feel uneasy, you open yourself up to growth. 10. Choose kindness over popularity. 11. Define success on your own terms, not based on someone else's expectations. 12. Be comfortable acknowledging your mistakes. It demonstrates authenticity and vulnerability. 13.Without humility, your hard work loses its value. 14. Make a habit of reading at least 10 pages of a good book daily, listening to an inspiring podcast once a week, and jotting down your thoughts. 15. Be generous with compliments and sparing with criticism. 16.Respect and treat women with utmost care, especially the woman you love. 17. Show faithfulness in the small things. 18. Stand by your word no matter what it takes. 19. Explore the world through travel and create memories that will endure beyond your lifetime. 20. Invest in your health by playing a sport, regularly going to the gym, or taking a daily walk. 21. Strength is forged in the midst of struggles; make the best of difficult situations. 22. Remember, it is perfectly acceptable for a man to shed tears. 23. Always seek the silver lining in every situation. 24. Engage in activities that nourish your mind, strengthen your spirit, and exercise your body every day. 25. Choose your friends wisely. Surround yourself with those who uplift, challenge, and hold you accountable. एक उड़ते हुए गुब्बारे पर लिखा था वो जो बाहर है, वह नहीं... जो भीतर है, वही आपको ऊपर ले जाता है!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1721 Views 0 Reviews
  • Using fear as a management or leadership strategy is not only ineffective but also counterproductive. Fear can create a toxic work environment that leads to high employee turnover, low morale, and poor performance. Leaders who rely on fear to motivate their employees are often unable to inspire loyalty and trust and may be seen as authoritarian or even abusive.

    Instead, effective leaders should focus on building positive relationships with their employees, providing clear direction and support, and creating a culture of open communication and collaboration. By treating employees with respect and dignity and by recognizing their contributions and achievements, leaders can create a work environment that fosters creativity, innovation, and productivity.

    In this 2024 election Rahul Gandhi and INDI Alliance is selling fear and losing out whereas Modi ji and NDA are batting on positive note and winning
    Using fear as a management or leadership strategy is not only ineffective but also counterproductive. Fear can create a toxic work environment that leads to high employee turnover, low morale, and poor performance. Leaders who rely on fear to motivate their employees are often unable to inspire loyalty and trust and may be seen as authoritarian or even abusive. Instead, effective leaders should focus on building positive relationships with their employees, providing clear direction and support, and creating a culture of open communication and collaboration. By treating employees with respect and dignity and by recognizing their contributions and achievements, leaders can create a work environment that fosters creativity, innovation, and productivity. In this 2024 election Rahul Gandhi and INDI Alliance is selling fear and losing out whereas Modi ji and NDA are batting on positive note and winning
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1256 Views 0 Reviews
  • If your fundamentals in Life are clear and rock solid, you are living a meaningful life

    "A Life should be meaningful, not successful"

    "A plant grows not when u water its leaf but roots"
    If your fundamentals in Life are clear and rock solid, you are living a meaningful life "A Life should be meaningful, not successful" "A plant grows not when u water its leaf but roots"
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  • Nobody ever said that being a leader is easy. It's very simple to bark out orders and dismiss someone if they are not performing, but it takes work to coach, mentor, inspire, and motivate your team to perform at their optimum best. You must be willing to pay the price of leadership if you want the perks of leadership

    Those who look for free lunch can never become leaders
    Nobody ever said that being a leader is easy. It's very simple to bark out orders and dismiss someone if they are not performing, but it takes work to coach, mentor, inspire, and motivate your team to perform at their optimum best. You must be willing to pay the price of leadership if you want the perks of leadership Those who look for free lunch can never become leaders
    0 Comments 0 Shares 984 Views 0 Reviews
  • Those who have vision, calibrate their shots to get desired result. Direct hit always have collateral cost and damage. When the ball travel a long distance it lose it momentum slowly and finally u get the desired result from it. Think if the path was short and direct hit.

    Jumping like frog on everything are never a winner in life
    Those who have vision, calibrate their shots to get desired result. Direct hit always have collateral cost and damage. When the ball travel a long distance it lose it momentum slowly and finally u get the desired result from it. Think if the path was short and direct hit. Jumping like frog on everything are never a winner in life
    0 Comments 0 Shares 623 Views 0 0 Reviews
  • In the business world, it is often said that the customer is always right and that clients should be the top priority. However, this thinking overlooks the most important aspect of any successful business - the employees. The truth is, clients are not the most important part of a company; it is the employees who are the backbone of the organization.

    Pandavs focused on individual strength and skills whereas kauravs focused on end result

    Can you tell me who was HR Head in Pandavs and Kauravs?
    In the business world, it is often said that the customer is always right and that clients should be the top priority. However, this thinking overlooks the most important aspect of any successful business - the employees. The truth is, clients are not the most important part of a company; it is the employees who are the backbone of the organization. Pandavs focused on individual strength and skills whereas kauravs focused on end result Can you tell me who was HR Head in Pandavs and Kauravs?
    0 Comments 0 Shares 886 Views 0 Reviews
  • Nestled within the Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden in Shibpur, Howrah, near the bustling city of Kolkata, stands an extraordinary spectacle – The Great Banyan Tree.

    but I don't see it as a tree or forest by a tree

    I see it how a Hindu Joint family should be which over the last 50 years destroyed by communist brainwashing
    Dr GP
    Nestled within the Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden in Shibpur, Howrah, near the bustling city of Kolkata, stands an extraordinary spectacle – The Great Banyan Tree. but I don't see it as a tree or forest by a tree I see it how a Hindu Joint family should be which over the last 50 years destroyed by communist brainwashing Dr GP
    0 Comments 0 Shares 694 Views 0 Reviews
  • I need your 2 min 38 sec with an open mind and relaxed

    Watch this clip. Don't tell me film name or actor, understand the message

    The greatest joy of life is not top degree from top school or position or even loads of Money

    The greatest joy comes when you work for people and hold their hands

    I understand this clip because the same I am doing for last 10 years which resulted me to start GPF and serve my nation

    Many people in India or abroad think that such works should be done after retirement. I disagree

    Every career is live a sine wave curve which has a peak. After peak down sliding is natural. So leave at the peak so that ur remembered for your peak and not when u falling or coming down

    Atleast this is what I did but i agree this requires a lot of courage

    Thanks for listening me, Think what i am saying.

    U disagree, ignore it
    Dr Gaurav Pradhan
    I need your 2 min 38 sec with an open mind and relaxed Watch this clip. Don't tell me film name or actor, understand the message The greatest joy of life is not top degree from top school or position or even loads of Money The greatest joy comes when you work for people and hold their hands I understand this clip because the same I am doing for last 10 years which resulted me to start GPF and serve my nation Many people in India or abroad think that such works should be done after retirement. I disagree Every career is live a sine wave curve which has a peak. After peak down sliding is natural. So leave at the peak so that ur remembered for your peak and not when u falling or coming down Atleast this is what I did but i agree this requires a lot of courage Thanks for listening me, Think what i am saying. U disagree, ignore it Dr Gaurav Pradhan
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1359 Views 0 0 Reviews
  • यदि महाभारत को पढ़ने का समय न हो तो भी इसके नौ सार- सूत्र हमारे जीवन में उपयोगी सिद्ध हो सकते है, जरूर पढ़े...

    1.संतानों की गलत माँग और हठ पर समय रहते अंकुश नहीं लगाया गया, तो अंत में आप असहाय हो जायेंगे- कौरव

    2.आप भले ही कितने बलवान हो लेकिन अधर्म के साथ हो तो, आपकी विद्या, अस्त्र-शस्त्र शक्ति और वरदान सब निष्फल हो जायेगा - कर्ण

    3.संतानों को इतना महत्वाकांक्षी मत बना दो कि विद्या का दुरुपयोग कर स्वयंनाश कर सर्वनाश को आमंत्रित करे- अश्वत्थामा

    4.कभी किसी को ऐसा वचन मत दो कि आपको अधर्मियों के आगे समर्पण करना पड़े -भीष्म पितामह

    5.संपत्ति, शक्ति व सत्ता का दुरुपयोग और दुराचारियों का साथ अंत में स्वयंनाश का दर्शन कराता है -दुर्योधन

    6.अं ध व्यक्ति- अर्थात मुद्रा, मदिरा, अज्ञान, मोह और काम ( मृदुला) अंध व्यक्ति के हाथ में सत्ता भी विनाश की ओर ले जाती है -धृतराष्ट्र

    7. यदि व्यक्ति के पास विद्या, विवेक से बँधी हो तो विजय अवश्य मिलती है -अर्जुन

    8. हर कार्य में छल, कपट, व प्रपंच रच कर आप हमेशा सफल नहीं हो सकते - शकुनि

    9. यदि आप नीति, धर्म, व कर्म का सफलता पूर्वक पालन करेंगे, तो विश्व की कोई भी शक्ति आपको पराजित नहीं कर सकती - युधिष्ठिर

    यदि इन नौ सूत्रों से सबक लेना सम्भव नहीं होता है तो जीवन मे महाभारत संभव हो जाता है..
    जय श्रीकृष्णा, जय गोविंदा ✨🙏

    तं सूर्यं जगतां नाथं ज्ञानविज्ञानमोक्षदम्।
    महापापहरं देवं तं सूर्यं प्रणमाम्यहम्।।
    यदि महाभारत को पढ़ने का समय न हो तो भी इसके नौ सार- सूत्र हमारे जीवन में उपयोगी सिद्ध हो सकते है, जरूर पढ़े... 1.संतानों की गलत माँग और हठ पर समय रहते अंकुश नहीं लगाया गया, तो अंत में आप असहाय हो जायेंगे- कौरव 2.आप भले ही कितने बलवान हो लेकिन अधर्म के साथ हो तो, आपकी विद्या, अस्त्र-शस्त्र शक्ति और वरदान सब निष्फल हो जायेगा - कर्ण 3.संतानों को इतना महत्वाकांक्षी मत बना दो कि विद्या का दुरुपयोग कर स्वयंनाश कर सर्वनाश को आमंत्रित करे- अश्वत्थामा 4.कभी किसी को ऐसा वचन मत दो कि आपको अधर्मियों के आगे समर्पण करना पड़े -भीष्म पितामह 5.संपत्ति, शक्ति व सत्ता का दुरुपयोग और दुराचारियों का साथ अंत में स्वयंनाश का दर्शन कराता है -दुर्योधन 6.अं ध व्यक्ति- अर्थात मुद्रा, मदिरा, अज्ञान, मोह और काम ( मृदुला) अंध व्यक्ति के हाथ में सत्ता भी विनाश की ओर ले जाती है -धृतराष्ट्र 7. यदि व्यक्ति के पास विद्या, विवेक से बँधी हो तो विजय अवश्य मिलती है -अर्जुन 8. हर कार्य में छल, कपट, व प्रपंच रच कर आप हमेशा सफल नहीं हो सकते - शकुनि 9. यदि आप नीति, धर्म, व कर्म का सफलता पूर्वक पालन करेंगे, तो विश्व की कोई भी शक्ति आपको पराजित नहीं कर सकती - युधिष्ठिर यदि इन नौ सूत्रों से सबक लेना सम्भव नहीं होता है तो जीवन मे महाभारत संभव हो जाता है.. जय श्रीकृष्णा, जय गोविंदा ✨🙏 तं सूर्यं जगतां नाथं ज्ञानविज्ञानमोक्षदम्। महापापहरं देवं तं सूर्यं प्रणमाम्यहम्।।
    0 Comments 0 Shares 634 Views 0 Reviews
  • Embrace the moment without hesitation! Tune into the rhythm of life and celebrate, whether the world is watching or not. Your joy knows no boundaries.
    Embrace the moment without hesitation! Tune into the rhythm of life and celebrate, whether the world is watching or not. Your joy knows no boundaries.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 699 Views 2 0 Reviews
  • Home work for you: Who are these two persons?
    Short Story of two very old and good friends in Politics

    Both have same mission of Sanatan and Bharat

    One was rich and other poor so they have different approach to common objective

    The poor want to lead nation from front and Rich want to do in a covert

    The Rich was CM and the poor was pracharak

    The Rich helped poor to become CM so that he can create a track record

    The poor helped Rich to destroy the imported mafia from within

    Once Poor become CM, the Rich helped him to clean his state from Jihadi on both side

    Later the Poor became PM and was leading nation to Sanatan and Bharat while the Rich destroying the family with every passing day

    Today the Poor is on verge of breaking unelected PM record while the Rich has destroyed the family

    both are in their last term. In this term the Rich will vertically split the party and make family irrelevant while the poor in captain seat will sail the ship with 140 cr to one of the best nation and restoring Sanatan Glory

    Both will say goodbye in 5 years and will handover their responsibility to young Leaders

    Jai Hind
    Home work for you: Who are these two persons? Short Story of two very old and good friends in Politics Both have same mission of Sanatan and Bharat One was rich and other poor so they have different approach to common objective The poor want to lead nation from front and Rich want to do in a covert The Rich was CM and the poor was pracharak The Rich helped poor to become CM so that he can create a track record The poor helped Rich to destroy the imported mafia from within Once Poor become CM, the Rich helped him to clean his state from Jihadi on both side Later the Poor became PM and was leading nation to Sanatan and Bharat while the Rich destroying the family with every passing day Today the Poor is on verge of breaking unelected PM record while the Rich has destroyed the family both are in their last term. In this term the Rich will vertically split the party and make family irrelevant while the poor in captain seat will sail the ship with 140 cr to one of the best nation and restoring Sanatan Glory Both will say goodbye in 5 years and will handover their responsibility to young Leaders Jai Hind
    0 Comments 0 Shares 945 Views 0 Reviews
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