Identical Twins - आइडेन्टिकल ट्विनस्
      आइडेन्टिकल ट्विनस् हो हामी एउटै गर्भकासन्तति थियौंअझ भनौआइडेन्टिकल ट्विनस्!यो आमाको आशंका मात्र थिएनडी. एन. ए. परीक्षणलेप्रमाणित गरिदिएको!हाम्रो उत्पत्तिएउटै कोषिकाको विभाजन बाटै भएछ।तर आश्चर्य!कति फरक भयौंएक अर्काका पूरक हामीम प्रकृति भएर हुर्किएतिमी मानव !!आमा बिछट्टै गौरवान्वित हुनुहुन्थोब्रह्माण्ड हाँक्ने हामी दुईशक्तिशाली पुत्रकोजन्मदाता भएकोमा।मात्र छोटो पलको फरकलेम दाई भएतिमी भाई।र म दाई हुनुको कर्तव्यपालनमा होम्मीए।आमाको आज्ञाकारी छोरा भएर।तिम्रो संरक्षण,तिमीलाई दिनु र...
    By Yuba Raj 2024-06-14 05:36:55 0 417
    Amazing words from Dr Gaurav Pradhan
    ...इतना कुछ होते हुए भीशब्दकोश में असंख्य शब्द होते हुए भी......मौन होना सब से बेहतर है।  ...दुनिया में हजारों रंग होते हुए भी...काला और सफेद रंग सब से बेहतर है।  ...खाने के लिए दुनिया भर की चीजें होते हुए भी......उपवास शरीर के लिए सबसे बेहतर है।  ...पर्यटन के लिए रमणीक स्थल होते हुए भी......पेड़ के नीचे ध्यान लगाना सबसे बेहतर है।  ...देखने के लिए इतना कुछ होते हुए भी......बंद आँखों से भीतर देखना सबसे बेहतर है।  ...सलाह देने वाले लोगों के होते हुए भी......अपनी...
    By Bharat Updates 2024-04-30 05:44:26 0 382
    Forging Worth: The Iron's Journey
    In the realm of iron's humble chip,Where worth begins with a modest grip,At 250 rupees, its value does dwell,A simple piece, yet its tale we'll tell. Transformed into a horse's sturdy shoe,Its price leaps forth, a thousand anew,From fields to streets, it bears the load,A symbol of strength on every road. Needles fine, from this chip they're spun,Threads of life through fabric run,At ten thousand rupees, their value gleams,Stitching stories in silent seams. Yet higher still, its worth...
    By Yuba Raj 2024-02-17 08:39:09 0 702
    चिन्तन श्रृङ्खला By Mohan Sitoula
    चिन्तन श्रृङ्खला आसुरी, तामसी भाव विश्व्यापी भए पछिधर्मको नाममा सारा काटमार भए पछिसृष्टिको भित्रको ईश सत्य तत्व छिपे पछिज्ञान-विज्ञान आफैमा विपरित भए पछिपरास्त हुन्छु हे शम्भो ! कसरी सत्यमा पुगूँ !ईश तत्व म भित्रै रे ! कसरी ब्रह्म त्यो चुमू ? युगानु युग ब्युँझाई तमान्धबाट ज्योतिमाकखरा युगका नव्य बर्णमाला नयाँनयाँदेखाएर , चिनाएर सत्यधर्म सनातनमान्छे आफैं अहं ब्रह्म शान्त, शालीन, उत्तमकरुणा, प्रेम, सद्भाव बहाउँछ जहाँतहाँमानवी ईशको तत्व भित्र हुन्छ जनार्दन । कल्पना स्वस्थ जप्दै र...
    By Yuba Raj 2023-12-17 07:42:10 0 690
    कोरोना युगलाई पल्टाउनु छ ।
      गंगा देवी उप्रेती  चीनको गे्रटवालले पनि छेक्न सकेनइटालीको पिसाको लेनिङ्ग टावरले पनि सोच्न सकेनन्युयोर्कको वल्ड टे्रडसेन्टरले पनि बुझ्न सकेनफ्रान्सको आइफल टावरले पनि देख्न सकेन । हजारौं वर्षको मानव इतिहासलाईगल्याम गुर्लम ढालेरकोरोनाले आफनो युग बनाएको छ ।मान्छेको लासको चिहान माथि टेकेरसामाज्यवादी अदृश्य भाइरस कुना कुना दौडिरहेको छ ।नासाका वैज्ञानिकको चमत्कारलाईनराम्ररी झापढ हानेको छनोवल पुरस्कार विजेताहरुलाईअहिले पुरस्कारनै भारि भएको छ ।संसारका हिरोहरुलाई मुसो बनाउदै ।दुलो पस्न...
    By Ganga Uprety 2023-12-14 12:48:07 1 692
    रचना ः राधिका दाहालतिम्रा औला समाएरताते गरेका हामीतिमीले औला समाएरकखरा सिकाएका अनितिम्रै औला समाएरविदा भएका थियौ ।तिम्रो नाममा हामीकलम समाएर औलाचलाई रहेका छौ ।तिम्रा औला समाएरतिम्रो समाधिसम्म पुग्न नसकेता पनिपिताजीतिम्रो जन्मदिनमासहश्र औलाका सम्झना रअनुभूति समर्पण गर्दैछौ ।राधिका दााहाल
    By Radhika Dahal 2023-12-13 11:43:46 1 1206
    "अद्वितीय सौन्दर्य: अद्वितीयता रंगिएको मृदुल यो भर्जीनिया बागमा"
    आएको मत धेरभो, मृदुल यो भर्जीनिया बागमा। मेरील्याण्ड पवित्र सुन्दर आहा! डिसी महा क्षेत्रमा। पेन्सिल्भेनियमा घुमी, पुन ठुलो नदी पोटोम्याकमा। घुम्दा सुन्दर पुस्पहार रूपमा रहेछ, माल्यार्पण। डीसीलाई घुमेर, माल्य सरि भए, शालीन भए चालमा। बग्दा सुन्दरशान्त, ती लहरले सङ्ज्ञान खोल्छ नयाँ! ठण्डी बढ्छ जस्तै, स्वरूप बदली, सौन्दर्यमा चित्रिने। हाँस्दै झर्न तयार, पत्र! मनमा सम्वेदना भित्रिने। आऊ, मित्र हितैषी हे, मृदुमना! यो भेगमा, पार्कमा। 'विज्ञानी विदुरी' अध्यात्म सगरी चैतन्य डुल्छन् जहाँ!
    By Yuba Raj 2023-12-05 06:24:50 0 593
    Respect Lies in Your Position and Status: A Tale of Dichotomy
    In a quiet home where shadows play,A snake moves silently, in the light of day.With sticks, they hit, a strong fight,Scared hearts, in the snake's sight. But on Shiva's sacred stone,A different scene, a well-known tone.Milk is given, a kind act,Respect shown, an ancient fact. Life's stage, a detailed page,Actions resonate, from age to age.Honor isn't just for you alone,But for your role, like a royal throne. In the dance of time, a clear theme,Respect isn't personal, as it may seem.A...
    By Yuba Raj 2023-12-01 21:51:31 0 596
    Mahadev's Grace: Resilience in the Depths of the UttarKashi Tunnel Rescue
    In the tunnel's dark embrace, no companion near, A lone battle to fight, facing the shadow's jeer. A war in the depths, a struggle profound, Breaking barriers of color, on battlegrounds unbound. Amidst the darkness, a spark of hope, Mountains challenged, no limits to cope. They tried with machines advanced and skilled, Yet, every attempt failed, hope nearly killed. A collective prayer rose, a plea to Mahadev, To guide their efforts, the workers to save. Hail to Mahadev, the mighty and...
    By Yuba Raj 2023-11-28 20:11:27 0 974
    शान्तिको धुन बजाउदै-राधिका सिटौल दाहाल-किरण कँडेल-शिला बिष्ट
    What a truly amazing song! All credit is undoubtedly due to the flamboyant writer Radhika Dahal. This song holds the potential to inspire and uplift the spirits of all children, motivating them to strive for excellence in life. The choice of words is simply awesome, and the choreography is executed beautifully, adding a touch of elegance to the entire composition. It's a masterpiece that deserves to be heard by all, spreading positivity and encouragement. Poem written by @RadhikaDahal
    By Yuba Raj 2023-11-20 19:02:37 0 1102
    नवदुलही र रित्तो मन
     आकांक्षाका भारी बोकेर मनभरि सपनाको स्वर्णिम जीवन देखेर आँखाभरिझर्न लागेका आँशुका बुँदहरूलाई,लुकाएर आँखाभित्रैरसिला आँखाले मुस्कुराएरबिदा गरीअरबको "लाहुरे" बन्नजोस्सिएको उस्को नवदुलाहालाई । जीवनको रमाइलो यात्राअभाव विहीन जिन्दगीत्यसमा फुल्ने मधुरम फूलहरूउन्मुक्तताको  बतासमा उड्नेस्वछन्द पलहरुउसको नवदुलाहा फर्केर आएको दिन। कल्पनामै सीमित रहेवर्षै पिच्छे दोहोरिएका दिनरातउषाका - किरण का पोलाईहरुपूर्णेकाे रात को डसाईहरु। मनसुनकाे वर्षाले पनिनभिजेको तन लिएरघुम्दैछे उही नवदुलहीअस्पताल...
    By Yuba Raj 2023-10-07 07:02:42 0 689
    Goodbye My Dearest Friend
    Goodbye, my dearest friend, though it pains me so,Our paths diverge now, and it's time for me to go.I once believed we shared a bond so strong,But perhaps I was mistaken, oh, how I was wrong. I sincerely thought I had the privilege divine,To sip nectar from the world's most exquisite flower, so fine.But little did I know, I appeared as a selfish morn,Blind to the sweetness I dwelled in, from dusk till dawn. I thought I had the privilege to cherish what we had,To savor the sweetness of the...
    By Yuba Raj 2023-07-13 21:06:59 0 940
    Happy Birthday Dear Sanobuwa
    In the realm of courage, where bravery resides,A name shines brightly, a source of strength beside.Dear Sanobuwa, your presence was a gift untold,For over three years, your spirit, so bold. I've witnessed your journey from up close,A person of honor, dedication, and a noble dose.Never succumbing to limitations or fear,Always embracing challenges, making them clear. You find joy in life's every breath,Yet devote yourself to others, till nothing is left.A gem not only to Nepal but to...
    By Yuba Raj 2023-06-30 06:20:59 0 966
    My beloved sister❤️ Happy birthday in heaven🎂
    In the depths of my heart, a cherished name,My dear Bunu, forever in my flame.Wherever you wander, may happiness find your way,In the gentle embrace of each passing day. Oh, my little Bunu, my companion so true,Always mine when I was little, just me and you.I wondered, oh, I wondered when you would grow,To walk, to talk, and together we'd glow. We played as if time stood still in our embrace,In you, my confidant, I found solace and grace.Days slipped away, and how I missed your...
    By Rachana Sitoula 2023-06-08 12:12:34 1 1009
    Happy Birthday Mama : Ram Sitoula
    In the realm of destiny's design,You emerged as my guru, father, and guide.Your footsteps illuminated a path so divine,A beacon of inspiration for all to confide. Mama, your presence holds immense sway,A lighthouse of wisdom, calm, and might.Through your character, success finds its way,In your footsteps, we find pure delight. Today, as seventy-four years complete,I extend wishes, heartfelt and sincere.May blessings from above forever greet,And fill your world with joy, year after year....
    By Yuba Raj 2023-06-08 05:54:30 4 944
    My Beloved Sister Lila Sitoula
    In the realm of love, where bonds transcend,A tale of strength, a sister's journey penned.Lila Sitoula, a spirit so pure,Unable to stand, yet her spirit endure. Through life's obstacles, her path constrained,No steps to take, her mobility restrained.But in her eyes, a flicker of light,Glimmers of hope, shining ever so bright. With tender care, I held her close,Carrying her with love, feeling so close.Together we ventured, outside the abode,To the world's wonders, her spirit bestowed. Her...
    By Yuba Raj 2023-05-26 07:56:14 1 913
    नेपाल महिमा
    पूर्व पश्चिम मेची काली नेपाल कोठेबारी । हिमाल पहाड तराई राम्रो हाम्रो फूलबारी ।। नदी नाला झरना हिमाल सुन्दर प्रकृति । बहुजाती दिलका साथी साझा संस्कृति ।। भाषा र भेष रीति र रिवाज बचाओें आफैले । बलियो बनओें नेपाली एकता नहल्लाओस् कसैले ।। विश्वको शिर सगरमाथा शान्तिको शिर बुद्ध । बुद्धि र योजना नेपाली पसिना नेपाल समृद्ध । बाडिन्न नेपाल भाँडिन्न नेपाल नेपाली एक मनले । बलियो नेपाल हरियो नेपाल नेपालकै जनधनले ।। स्वदेशमा छौ कि विदेशमा छौ कि जहाँ छौ नेपाली । देशको भक्ति देशको शक्ति चन्द्र र...
    By Khagendra Raj Sitoula 2023-04-28 14:44:08 1 1601
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