• शबरी बोली - यदि रावण का अंत नहीं करना होता, तो राम तुम यहाँ आते ही नही!

    राम गंभीरता से कहा, भ्रम में न पड़ो माता
    राम क्या रावण का वध करने आया है ?

    अरे रावण का वध तो लक्ष्मण अपने पैर से वाण चला भी कर सकता है।

    राम हजारों कोस चल कर इस गहन वन में आया है तो केवल तुमसे मिलने आया है माता, ताकि हजारों वर्षों बाद जब कोई पाखण्डी भारत के अस्तित्व पर प्रश्न खड़ा करे तो इतिहास चिल्ला कर उत्तर दे कि इस राष्ट्र को छत्रिय राजा राम और उसकी भीलनी माँ ने मिल कर गढ़ा था। क्योंकि किसी भी सशक्त राष्ट्र की परिकल्पना बिना समाज के हर वर्ग को जोड़े तो हो ही नही सकती। जब तक समाज का गरीब, शोषित , वंचित , वनवासी आदिवासी किसी भी व्यक्ति की सत्ता से दूरी रहेगी, उंसकी भागीदारी नही होगी तब तक असली रामराज्य की कल्पना नही की जा सकती।

    जब कोई कपटी भारत की परम्पराओं पर उँगली उठाये तो तो काल उसका गला पकड़ कर कहे कि नहीं, यह एकमात्र ऐसी सभ्यता है जहाँ एक राजपुत्र वन में प्रतीक्षा करती एक दरिद्र वनवासिनी से भेंट करके आशिर्वाद लेता है।

    राम वन में बस इसलिए आया है ताकि जब युगों का इतिहास लिखा जाय तो उसमें अंकित हो कि सत्ता जब पैदल चल कर समाज के अंतिम व्यक्ति तक पहुँचे तभी असली रामराज्य है।

    राम वन में इसलिए आया है ताकि भविष्य स्मरण रखे कि प्रतिक्षाएँ अवश्य पूरी होती हैं, चाहे वो गरीब वृद्ध भीलनी की ही क्यों न हो। बस वहाँ विस्वाश की भावना प्रबल होनी चाहिए।

    राम ने फिर कहा- राम की वन यात्रा केवल रावण युद्ध के लिए नहीं है माता
    राम की यात्रा प्रारंभ हुई है भविष्य के लिए आदर्श की स्थापना के लिए
    राम आया है ताकि भारत को बता सके कि अन्याय का अंत करना ही धर्म है

    राम आया है ताकि युगों को सीख दे सके कि विदेश में बैठे शत्रु की समाप्ति के लिए आवश्यक है कि पहले देश में बैठी उसकी समर्थक सूर्पणखाओं की नाक काटी जाय और खर-दूषणो का घमंड तोड़ा जाये !

    और राम आया है ताकि युगों को बता सके कि रावणों से युद्ध केवल राम की शक्ति से नहीं बल्कि वन में बैठी शबरी के आशीर्वाद से जीते जाते हैं

    शबरी की आँखों में जल भर आया था

    उसने बात बदलकर कहा - बेर खाओगे राम ?
    राम मुस्कुराए, "बिना खाये जाऊंगा भी नहीं माता"

    शबरी अपनी कुटिया से झपोली में बेर ले कर आई और राम के समक्ष रख दिया
    राम और लक्ष्मण खाने लगे तो कहा - मीठे हैं न प्रभु ?

    यहाँ आ कर मीठे और खट्टे का भेद भूल गया हूँ माता
    बस इतना समझ रहा हूँ कि यही अमृत है

    शबरी मुस्कुराईं, बोली - "सचमुच तुम मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम हो राम"

    जय सियाराम....🙏⛳⛳

    The western model of LEADERSHIP is not Leadership, It is promoting slavery

    Every top University today have a course based on the Western model of LEADERSHIP but what they actually teach is how to manage, that is slavery

    The basis of strong deep rooted Leadership is CHARACTER
    शबरी बोली - यदि रावण का अंत नहीं करना होता, तो राम तुम यहाँ आते ही नही! राम गंभीरता से कहा, भ्रम में न पड़ो माता राम क्या रावण का वध करने आया है ? अरे रावण का वध तो लक्ष्मण अपने पैर से वाण चला भी कर सकता है। राम हजारों कोस चल कर इस गहन वन में आया है तो केवल तुमसे मिलने आया है माता, ताकि हजारों वर्षों बाद जब कोई पाखण्डी भारत के अस्तित्व पर प्रश्न खड़ा करे तो इतिहास चिल्ला कर उत्तर दे कि इस राष्ट्र को छत्रिय राजा राम और उसकी भीलनी माँ ने मिल कर गढ़ा था। क्योंकि किसी भी सशक्त राष्ट्र की परिकल्पना बिना समाज के हर वर्ग को जोड़े तो हो ही नही सकती। जब तक समाज का गरीब, शोषित , वंचित , वनवासी आदिवासी किसी भी व्यक्ति की सत्ता से दूरी रहेगी, उंसकी भागीदारी नही होगी तब तक असली रामराज्य की कल्पना नही की जा सकती। जब कोई कपटी भारत की परम्पराओं पर उँगली उठाये तो तो काल उसका गला पकड़ कर कहे कि नहीं, यह एकमात्र ऐसी सभ्यता है जहाँ एक राजपुत्र वन में प्रतीक्षा करती एक दरिद्र वनवासिनी से भेंट करके आशिर्वाद लेता है। राम वन में बस इसलिए आया है ताकि जब युगों का इतिहास लिखा जाय तो उसमें अंकित हो कि सत्ता जब पैदल चल कर समाज के अंतिम व्यक्ति तक पहुँचे तभी असली रामराज्य है। राम वन में इसलिए आया है ताकि भविष्य स्मरण रखे कि प्रतिक्षाएँ अवश्य पूरी होती हैं, चाहे वो गरीब वृद्ध भीलनी की ही क्यों न हो। बस वहाँ विस्वाश की भावना प्रबल होनी चाहिए। राम ने फिर कहा- राम की वन यात्रा केवल रावण युद्ध के लिए नहीं है माता राम की यात्रा प्रारंभ हुई है भविष्य के लिए आदर्श की स्थापना के लिए राम आया है ताकि भारत को बता सके कि अन्याय का अंत करना ही धर्म है राम आया है ताकि युगों को सीख दे सके कि विदेश में बैठे शत्रु की समाप्ति के लिए आवश्यक है कि पहले देश में बैठी उसकी समर्थक सूर्पणखाओं की नाक काटी जाय और खर-दूषणो का घमंड तोड़ा जाये ! और राम आया है ताकि युगों को बता सके कि रावणों से युद्ध केवल राम की शक्ति से नहीं बल्कि वन में बैठी शबरी के आशीर्वाद से जीते जाते हैं शबरी की आँखों में जल भर आया था उसने बात बदलकर कहा - बेर खाओगे राम ? राम मुस्कुराए, "बिना खाये जाऊंगा भी नहीं माता" शबरी अपनी कुटिया से झपोली में बेर ले कर आई और राम के समक्ष रख दिया राम और लक्ष्मण खाने लगे तो कहा - मीठे हैं न प्रभु ? यहाँ आ कर मीठे और खट्टे का भेद भूल गया हूँ माता बस इतना समझ रहा हूँ कि यही अमृत है शबरी मुस्कुराईं, बोली - "सचमुच तुम मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम हो राम" जय सियाराम....🙏⛳⛳ The western model of LEADERSHIP is not Leadership, It is promoting slavery Every top University today have a course based on the Western model of LEADERSHIP but what they actually teach is how to manage, that is slavery The basis of strong deep rooted Leadership is CHARACTER
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1883 Views 0 Reviews
  • AAP MP Sanjay Singh urges Modi Govt to increase budget for Jail.

    Entire Rajya Sabha including Vice President Jagdeep Dhankar burst into laughter.

    Sanjay Singh said Govt has allotted only Rs 300 crore for Jails.

    VP JAGDEEP DHANKAR : "This is a very emotional appeal. I urge Govt to consider this demand."

    Note: Most of the AAP top leadership are in Delhi Jail
    AAP MP Sanjay Singh urges Modi Govt to increase budget for Jail. Entire Rajya Sabha including Vice President Jagdeep Dhankar burst into laughter. Sanjay Singh said Govt has allotted only Rs 300 crore for Jails. VP JAGDEEP DHANKAR : "This is a very emotional appeal. I urge Govt to consider this demand." Note: Most of the AAP top leadership are in Delhi Jail
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1946 Views 0 Reviews
  • South Korea is industrially highly developed Nation. Right?

    It hosts some giants like Samsung, LG, Hyundai, SK Hynix etc. Right?

    Bharat has SURPASSED South Korea to become 5th largest manufacturing Nation in World in 23-24.

    MSM & #Modi Sarkar (too) won't tell you such feats. But fact is.... Bharat is conquering new heights under visionary leadership of PM .@narendramodi Ji & FM .@nsitharaman Ji.
    South Korea is industrially highly developed Nation. Right? It hosts some giants like Samsung, LG, Hyundai, SK Hynix etc. Right? Bharat has SURPASSED South Korea to become 5th largest manufacturing Nation in World in 23-24. MSM & #Modi Sarkar (too) won't tell you such feats. But fact is.... Bharat is conquering new heights under visionary leadership of PM .@narendramodi Ji & FM .@nsitharaman Ji.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2139 Views 0 Reviews
  • Signs of Complete Hindu Consolidation Behind BJP in Uttarakhand's Manglaur Assembly By-Poll:

    Today’s results of the Manglaur by-poll:

    - INC: 37.91%
    - BJP: 37.4%
    - BSP: 23.37%

    For the first time, the BJP has secured the second position in this constituency, which has historically been a contest between the BSP and INC.

    Demography of Manglaur assembly constituency:

    The Manglaur assembly constituency includes Manglaur town and its surrounding areas. Manglaur town is the only Muslim-majority town in Uttarakhand, with an 87% Muslim population according to the 2011 census. The adjacent areas have a significant Hindu population, making the overall Muslim percentage in this constituency approximately 60-70%.

    History of Manglaur assembly past election results:

    - BSP: 39.9%
    - INC: 27.4%
    - BJP: 15.6%
    - RLD: 5.34%

    - BSP: 36.9%
    - RLD: 32%
    - INC: 26.9%
    - BJP: 1.8%

    - BSP: 34.03%
    - INC: 33.07%
    - RLD: 26.66%
    - BJP: 2.84%

    - INC: 38.58%
    - BSP: 35.29%
    - BJP: 20.87%
    - RLD: 4.02%

    - BSP: 37.18%
    - INC: 36.5%
    - BJP: 21.36%
    - RLD: 0.3%

    Historically, the BSP has won four out of five times since the formation of Uttarakhand. Congress has won it just once. The BJP has never come first or second in this constituency, even when they have won the state. They have come third three times and fourth twice. The heavy Muslim population in the constituency has been a key factor in this trend.

    However, this time, the BJP has come second and nearly won the constituency, losing by just 0.5% (422 votes). This is a phenomenal performance for the BJP, especially in a heavily Muslim-dominated constituency. It suggests that Hindus have consolidated behind the BJP in this by-poll, and it is possible that a portion of Muslims also voted for the BJP. This shift can be attributed to the leadership of Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami. Before the by-poll, the Chief Minister confidently stated that the BJP would break the jinx of never having won this constituency in its history. He took all the necessary steps to secure a victory for the BJP this time. Unfortunately, despite these efforts, it was just bad luck that the BJP narrowly lost by a micro-margin. Despite the narrow loss, the BJP’s performance indicates rapid growth in areas where they have historically been weak.
    Signs of Complete Hindu Consolidation Behind BJP in Uttarakhand's Manglaur Assembly By-Poll: Today’s results of the Manglaur by-poll: - INC: 37.91% - BJP: 37.4% - BSP: 23.37% For the first time, the BJP has secured the second position in this constituency, which has historically been a contest between the BSP and INC. Demography of Manglaur assembly constituency: The Manglaur assembly constituency includes Manglaur town and its surrounding areas. Manglaur town is the only Muslim-majority town in Uttarakhand, with an 87% Muslim population according to the 2011 census. The adjacent areas have a significant Hindu population, making the overall Muslim percentage in this constituency approximately 60-70%. History of Manglaur assembly past election results: 2002: - BSP: 39.9% - INC: 27.4% - BJP: 15.6% - RLD: 5.34% 2007: - BSP: 36.9% - RLD: 32% - INC: 26.9% - BJP: 1.8% 2012: - BSP: 34.03% - INC: 33.07% - RLD: 26.66% - BJP: 2.84% 2017: - INC: 38.58% - BSP: 35.29% - BJP: 20.87% - RLD: 4.02% 2022: - BSP: 37.18% - INC: 36.5% - BJP: 21.36% - RLD: 0.3% Historically, the BSP has won four out of five times since the formation of Uttarakhand. Congress has won it just once. The BJP has never come first or second in this constituency, even when they have won the state. They have come third three times and fourth twice. The heavy Muslim population in the constituency has been a key factor in this trend. However, this time, the BJP has come second and nearly won the constituency, losing by just 0.5% (422 votes). This is a phenomenal performance for the BJP, especially in a heavily Muslim-dominated constituency. It suggests that Hindus have consolidated behind the BJP in this by-poll, and it is possible that a portion of Muslims also voted for the BJP. This shift can be attributed to the leadership of Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami. Before the by-poll, the Chief Minister confidently stated that the BJP would break the jinx of never having won this constituency in its history. He took all the necessary steps to secure a victory for the BJP this time. Unfortunately, despite these efforts, it was just bad luck that the BJP narrowly lost by a micro-margin. Despite the narrow loss, the BJP’s performance indicates rapid growth in areas where they have historically been weak.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2513 Views 0 Reviews
  • LeLis & ker0sene toolkit ecosystem will NEVER tell you this 👇🏻👇🏻

    Job creation in Bharat HIGHEST in 18 years
    -S&P Global

    With business optimism HIGH

    Stock markets HIGH

    New infra projects like #VadhawanPort that will provide 10 lakh jobs & give GATI shakti to propel Bharat to top 3 economies in the world 🔥🔥

    Under the visionary leadership of @narendramodi ji 👍👍

    A suggestion -

    Please introduce another PLI-
    population-linked incentives like the productivity linked incentives

    Give more benefits to those to employ more people & run skill development programs/co-ordinate with Universities to get our youngsters industry-ready

    & give even more benefits to those who hire divyangs or have divyang-themed businesses

    Have skill census as suggested by Chandrababu Naidu

    Let’s make the best use of the population dividend that India is seeing

    Otherwise we know those with ker0sene toolkit just waiting to put st0nes in their hands

    India Unstoppable 🇮🇳🇮🇳
    LeLis & ker0sene toolkit ecosystem will NEVER tell you this 👇🏻👇🏻 Job creation in Bharat HIGHEST in 18 years -S&P Global With business optimism HIGH Stock markets HIGH New infra projects like #VadhawanPort that will provide 10 lakh jobs & give GATI shakti to propel Bharat to top 3 economies in the world 🔥🔥 Under the visionary leadership of @narendramodi ji 👍👍 A suggestion - Please introduce another PLI- population-linked incentives like the productivity linked incentives Give more benefits to those to employ more people & run skill development programs/co-ordinate with Universities to get our youngsters industry-ready & give even more benefits to those who hire divyangs or have divyang-themed businesses Have skill census as suggested by Chandrababu Naidu Let’s make the best use of the population dividend that India is seeing Otherwise we know those with ker0sene toolkit just waiting to put st0nes in their hands India Unstoppable 🇮🇳🇮🇳
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2112 Views 0 Reviews
  • 'Ali Baba and 40 thieves'

    UAE's Foreign Minister called the Palestinian leadership, "Ali Baba and the 40 thieves" and claimed senior officials in the Palestinian Authority are "useless" and therefore "replacing them with one another will only lead to the same result."

    “Why would the UAE give assistance to them without real reforms?", said UAE's Foreign Minister.

    All this heated exchange happened in front of Anthony Blinken during a summit in Saudi Arabia.
    'Ali Baba and 40 thieves' UAE's Foreign Minister called the Palestinian leadership, "Ali Baba and the 40 thieves" and claimed senior officials in the Palestinian Authority are "useless" and therefore "replacing them with one another will only lead to the same result." “Why would the UAE give assistance to them without real reforms?", said UAE's Foreign Minister. All this heated exchange happened in front of Anthony Blinken during a summit in Saudi Arabia.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1165 Views 0 Reviews
  • Dear BJP Supporters & Modi Ka Parivar,

    I understand the disappointment. It is akin to the student who wants 100% but gets 90% and feels sad despite topping the university exams.

    But remember - in our worst case scenario we - just the BJP- are at 245+ & Congress in its best case scenario is only 99.

    This is the third time the Congress hasn’t crossed 100 seats. The BJP alone by itself is more than the dotted INDI alliance (234). Our worst is twice their best performance.

    The NDA at 291 and counting is comfortably poised to form its government yet again (3rd time) under leadership of PM @narendramodi ji
    The BJP has also added and increased its vote share in 2024 as compared to 2019. Clearly this is a vote for pro-incumbency and not anti-incumbency.

    The BJP roared in Odisha & Arunachal. We are forming governments there. Odisha victory in State Assembly is historic & so is the sweep in Loksabha in Odisha. Returning to power in Arunachal is historic.

    Opening our account in Kerala despite the demographic situation is historic.

    We grew substantially in Telangana. We have expanded in Tamil Nadu & were second place in 11 seats.

    NDA has dominated in Andhra too. We will have a state government there.

    We achieved all this despite the fact that the dotted INDI alliance played the most sinister divisive caste card to splinter Hindus & heavily polarised the other side using “vote jihad” card.

    Yes- we will feel that disappointment. We will introspect even in our victory even as Congress gloats in defeat.

    Yes it might hurt a bit. But there are two ways of looking at this.

    One: We can let this burden of not reaching our own high expectations to weigh us down & give up. We surrender to their agenda to divide & balkanise us. We bend before their fake narratives to break Hindu society and Bharat.


    Two: We let this pain be a reminder of how we need to be more united than ever before & not allow them to divide us in caste lines. We need this day to be a reminder for all of us - to work harder for the next 1826 days (5 years). We don’t start tomorrow. We start today. We start now. We go harder and stronger against their plan to divide. We arise and awaken. We never surrender. We UNITE. We don’t leave anything to chance. We go to every house. We go to every street. We dominate every platform. We go to every individual.

    We must unmask their plan to divide Hindus & unite the votebank. Today is not the day to stop. It is the day to renew our Sankalp.

    I say this as a Bharatiya Muslim as much as I say it as a foot soldier of BJP. I can see them divide Hindus. Don’t..Don’t let them divide on castes. Don’t let them prevail.

    Arise awake and stop not till the goal is reached.

    Be unapologetic
    Dear BJP Supporters & Modi Ka Parivar, I understand the disappointment. It is akin to the student who wants 100% but gets 90% and feels sad despite topping the university exams. But remember - in our worst case scenario we - just the BJP- are at 245+ & Congress in its best case scenario is only 99. This is the third time the Congress hasn’t crossed 100 seats. The BJP alone by itself is more than the dotted INDI alliance (234). Our worst is twice their best performance. The NDA at 291 and counting is comfortably poised to form its government yet again (3rd time) under leadership of PM @narendramodi ji The BJP has also added and increased its vote share in 2024 as compared to 2019. Clearly this is a vote for pro-incumbency and not anti-incumbency. The BJP roared in Odisha & Arunachal. We are forming governments there. Odisha victory in State Assembly is historic & so is the sweep in Loksabha in Odisha. Returning to power in Arunachal is historic. Opening our account in Kerala despite the demographic situation is historic. We grew substantially in Telangana. We have expanded in Tamil Nadu & were second place in 11 seats. NDA has dominated in Andhra too. We will have a state government there. We achieved all this despite the fact that the dotted INDI alliance played the most sinister divisive caste card to splinter Hindus & heavily polarised the other side using “vote jihad” card. Yes- we will feel that disappointment. We will introspect even in our victory even as Congress gloats in defeat. Yes it might hurt a bit. But there are two ways of looking at this. One: We can let this burden of not reaching our own high expectations to weigh us down & give up. We surrender to their agenda to divide & balkanise us. We bend before their fake narratives to break Hindu society and Bharat. Or Two: We let this pain be a reminder of how we need to be more united than ever before & not allow them to divide us in caste lines. We need this day to be a reminder for all of us - to work harder for the next 1826 days (5 years). We don’t start tomorrow. We start today. We start now. We go harder and stronger against their plan to divide. We arise and awaken. We never surrender. We UNITE. We don’t leave anything to chance. We go to every house. We go to every street. We dominate every platform. We go to every individual. We must unmask their plan to divide Hindus & unite the votebank. Today is not the day to stop. It is the day to renew our Sankalp. I say this as a Bharatiya Muslim as much as I say it as a foot soldier of BJP. I can see them divide Hindus. Don’t..Don’t let them divide on castes. Don’t let them prevail. Arise awake and stop not till the goal is reached. Be unapologetic Shehzad
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2989 Views 0 Reviews
  • The history of today may well be written in Golden letters.

    First news came in that RBI has moved 1 lakh kg of Gold from UK back to India, first such move of this quantum since 1991.

    Then NSO puts out data that shows India recorded 7.8% GDP growth in Q4 and 8.2% GDP growth overall for FY 2023-2024!

    Golden era for India lies ahead provided there's political stability and decisive leadership to ensure continuity.
    The history of today may well be written in Golden letters. First news came in that RBI has moved 1 lakh kg of Gold from UK back to India, first such move of this quantum since 1991. Then NSO puts out data that shows India recorded 7.8% GDP growth in Q4 and 8.2% GDP growth overall for FY 2023-2024! Golden era for India lies ahead provided there's political stability and decisive leadership to ensure continuity.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1564 Views 0 Reviews
  • 10 years assessment of UPA and NDA govt

    MMS was honest but had the most corrupt cabinet
    NaMo is honest but ensured his cabinet is also honest

    effective Leadership is not just about being honest but one who can keep system honest
    10 years assessment of UPA and NDA govt MMS was honest but had the most corrupt cabinet NaMo is honest but ensured his cabinet is also honest effective Leadership is not just about being honest but one who can keep system honest
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1093 Views 0 Reviews
  • CIA - Vatican - Soros - Drugs -Manipur
    Few facts everyone should know

    - There are lot of Drug lords in the world. Boss of all those Drug lords is CIA.
    CIA is the biggest Drug lord of the world

    - All this started in 1948 with Operation Gladio

    - CIA wanted to stop communism influence worldwide and for their operations they needed money and they decided to get that money through drugs selling

    - Partner of CIA in operation Gladio was Italian mafia, Vatican and few NGOs (Soros foundation and Ford foundation)

    - Role of Vatican was money laundering since Vatican Bank is safest bank in the world

    - Golden Triangle of drugs is called Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and Manipur of India. This is the biggest opium producing area of the world

    - George Soros NGO provides legal and operational support to CIA in their operations

    - Soros is running campaign from last 30 years to legalize drugs

    -Soros has links with Nehru family in India

    - In 2018, BJP govt in Manipur (India) started war against drugs. They destroyed drugs worth of Rs 60,000 crore and thousands of hectare drug producing fields

    - The violence in Manipur was sponsored by CIA and Soros gang and was in retaliation of anti drug drive of govt

    - Manipur has 400 km open boarder with Myanmar. 90% of Manipur area is hilly which is Kookie dominated. Kookie people follow Christianity. Vatican funded NGOs had good presence there. Many Kookie people are involved in paddy cultivation

    - Retaliation against State govt's drug drive was converted into struggle between Matai and Kookie

    - Drug mafia wants to remove Manipur CM @NBirenSingh anyhow but BJP top leadership standing rock solid with him.
    CIA - Vatican - Soros - Drugs -Manipur Few facts everyone should know - There are lot of Drug lords in the world. Boss of all those Drug lords is CIA. CIA is the biggest Drug lord of the world - All this started in 1948 with Operation Gladio - CIA wanted to stop communism influence worldwide and for their operations they needed money and they decided to get that money through drugs selling - Partner of CIA in operation Gladio was Italian mafia, Vatican and few NGOs (Soros foundation and Ford foundation) - Role of Vatican was money laundering since Vatican Bank is safest bank in the world - Golden Triangle of drugs is called Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and Manipur of India. This is the biggest opium producing area of the world - George Soros NGO provides legal and operational support to CIA in their operations - Soros is running campaign from last 30 years to legalize drugs -Soros has links with Nehru family in India - In 2018, BJP govt in Manipur (India) started war against drugs. They destroyed drugs worth of Rs 60,000 crore and thousands of hectare drug producing fields - The violence in Manipur was sponsored by CIA and Soros gang and was in retaliation of anti drug drive of govt - Manipur has 400 km open boarder with Myanmar. 90% of Manipur area is hilly which is Kookie dominated. Kookie people follow Christianity. Vatican funded NGOs had good presence there. Many Kookie people are involved in paddy cultivation - Retaliation against State govt's drug drive was converted into struggle between Matai and Kookie - Drug mafia wants to remove Manipur CM @NBirenSingh anyhow but BJP top leadership standing rock solid with him. https://twitter.com/starboy2079/status/1793156661466550714?s=46&t=k7DOzt02q2xVLz7J4o4Rmg
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2067 Views 0 Reviews
  • Using fear as a management or leadership strategy is not only ineffective but also counterproductive. Fear can create a toxic work environment that leads to high employee turnover, low morale, and poor performance. Leaders who rely on fear to motivate their employees are often unable to inspire loyalty and trust and may be seen as authoritarian or even abusive.

    Instead, effective leaders should focus on building positive relationships with their employees, providing clear direction and support, and creating a culture of open communication and collaboration. By treating employees with respect and dignity and by recognizing their contributions and achievements, leaders can create a work environment that fosters creativity, innovation, and productivity.

    In this 2024 election Rahul Gandhi and INDI Alliance is selling fear and losing out whereas Modi ji and NDA are batting on positive note and winning
    Using fear as a management or leadership strategy is not only ineffective but also counterproductive. Fear can create a toxic work environment that leads to high employee turnover, low morale, and poor performance. Leaders who rely on fear to motivate their employees are often unable to inspire loyalty and trust and may be seen as authoritarian or even abusive. Instead, effective leaders should focus on building positive relationships with their employees, providing clear direction and support, and creating a culture of open communication and collaboration. By treating employees with respect and dignity and by recognizing their contributions and achievements, leaders can create a work environment that fosters creativity, innovation, and productivity. In this 2024 election Rahul Gandhi and INDI Alliance is selling fear and losing out whereas Modi ji and NDA are batting on positive note and winning
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1951 Views 0 Reviews
  • BIG ⚡️ statement by Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma-

    When the BJP won more than 300 seats, we fulfilled the promise of construction of Ram Mandir. Now once we get 400 seats, Krishna Janmabhoomi will be built and Baba Vishwanath Mandir will also be built in place of Gyanvapi... Soon Pak-occupied Kashmir will become part of our country under the leadership of PM Modi...,"

    BIG ⚡️ statement by Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma- When the BJP won more than 300 seats, we fulfilled the promise of construction of Ram Mandir. Now once we get 400 seats, Krishna Janmabhoomi will be built and Baba Vishwanath Mandir will also be built in place of Gyanvapi... Soon Pak-occupied Kashmir will become part of our country under the leadership of PM Modi...," https://twitter.com/MeghUpdates/status/1790451334329573625
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1918 Views 0 Reviews
  • Nobody ever said that being a leader is easy. It's very simple to bark out orders and dismiss someone if they are not performing, but it takes work to coach, mentor, inspire, and motivate your team to perform at their optimum best. You must be willing to pay the price of leadership if you want the perks of leadership

    Those who look for free lunch can never become leaders
    Nobody ever said that being a leader is easy. It's very simple to bark out orders and dismiss someone if they are not performing, but it takes work to coach, mentor, inspire, and motivate your team to perform at their optimum best. You must be willing to pay the price of leadership if you want the perks of leadership Those who look for free lunch can never become leaders
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1626 Views 0 Reviews
  • In my opinion, the current dynamics within Indian politics, particularly within the Congress party, suggest a power struggle that will likely intensify post the 2024 elections. The rift between the two power centers within the party, represented by Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi's teams, seems poised to reach a climax. Priyanka's faction appears determined to see Rahul's leadership falter, potentially leading to the collapse of his influence within the party. In such a scenario, Priyanka Gandhi could emerge as a new leader for Congress, if Rahul Gandhi lets it slip easily.

    However, there's a concerning possibility of Congress resorting to dangerous tactics, particularly in their pursuit of minority appeasement politics. If left unchecked, this strategy could push India towards a dangerous polarization reminiscent of the partition era. It's imperative for all Indians to remain vigilant and counter such divisive ideologies wherever they surface, to prevent history from repeating itself.
    In my opinion, the current dynamics within Indian politics, particularly within the Congress party, suggest a power struggle that will likely intensify post the 2024 elections. The rift between the two power centers within the party, represented by Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi's teams, seems poised to reach a climax. Priyanka's faction appears determined to see Rahul's leadership falter, potentially leading to the collapse of his influence within the party. In such a scenario, Priyanka Gandhi could emerge as a new leader for Congress, if Rahul Gandhi lets it slip easily. However, there's a concerning possibility of Congress resorting to dangerous tactics, particularly in their pursuit of minority appeasement politics. If left unchecked, this strategy could push India towards a dangerous polarization reminiscent of the partition era. It's imperative for all Indians to remain vigilant and counter such divisive ideologies wherever they surface, to prevent history from repeating itself.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1903 Views 0 Reviews
  • We support CAA and Ram Mandir.

    We don't have any issues with CAA or Ram Mandir.

    India has witnessed unprecedented growth in the last 10 years under the leadership of PM Modi.

    : Syed Zainul Abedin, Dewan, Ajmer Sharif Dargah
    We support CAA and Ram Mandir. We don't have any issues with CAA or Ram Mandir. India has witnessed unprecedented growth in the last 10 years under the leadership of PM Modi. : Syed Zainul Abedin, Dewan, Ajmer Sharif Dargah
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1588 Views 0 Reviews
  • National Guard Captain Blows Up J6 Narrative, Accuses U.S. Govt of Lying to the American People

    "I'm here today to aid the subcommittee in resolving factual errors in the official record of what happened on January 6th, 2021, specifically regarding the alleged District of Columbia National Guard delayed response caused by a critical presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed Pentagon senior officials," Captain Timothy Nick testified under oath on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. [...]

    "First, I want to explain my role on January 6th. I was assigned as aid to camp the personal assistant to Major General William Walker, the commanding General of DC National Guard. It was my only second day on the job (!). Please focus on alleged facts found in the November 16th, 2021 Department of Defense Inspector General's multidisciplinary review into the DC National Guard response and Department of Defense's role that day."

    "I can say unequivocally that the Inspector General's Review is riddled with inaccuracies, misstatements, and perhaps false flags and narratives regarding how critical Pentagon senior officials responded when our republic was under great stress (!!)."

    "For instance, during a conference call at 2:31 PM with members of United States Army, US Capitol Police, Metropolitan Police Department, District of Columbia Government, and US Secret Service Uniform Division, the US Army's Lieutenant General Walter Piatt, Director of Army staff and the Army's Lieutenant General Charles Flynn, Director of Chief of Staff of Operations were on the call." Also was Colonel John Lubas, executive officer to the Secretary of the Army."

    "The Army FALSELEY DENIED that General Flynn was ever on the call. This is false and material on its face. Lieutenant Flynn was on the call and even participated in discussions. The defense inspector's review also rounds language papering over the fact that Lieutenant General Piatt, Lieutenant General Flynn, while on the call discussed how they did not like the OPTICS."

    "That is a direct quote, and they stated it would be in their best military advice to recommend to the Secretary of the Army, Ryan McCarthy, to deny the request from Command General William Walker to deploy the DC National Guard and aid US Capitol Police in restoring restoration of Order Liberty on Capitol Hill."

    "In addition, former [Army] Secretary Ryan McCarthy claims he was on a two three 1:00 PM call and spoke on that call. This is FALSE, unless he was in the room shadowing the call and he did not speak nor identify himself."

    "He was not on the call. He was en route to Washington, DC Regional office at the Federal Bureau of Investigation to support that agent's concept of operations plan for January 6th."

    "He went on the claim that he called and spoke to Major General Walker at least twice, ordering the deployment of the DC National Guard. This is also FALSE. At no time did General Walker take any calls, nor did we ever hear from the secretary on any of the ongoing conference calls or the secure video teleconferencing throughout the day."

    "This I know because I was with the Command General the entire time recording events throughout the day. Major General Walker told by staff officers to stand by with respect to deploying to the Capitol Hill. Only at 5:09 PM in the early evening, which I wrote down in my wheel book, was the DC Guard given an order to deploy and move to the Capitol to assist Capitol Police."

    "We arrived too late. One American laid dead with other sisters and brothers injured, including federal and local law enforcement officers. We were ready and standing by. I know if we were able to deploy immediately, when General Walker made the request, the National Guard could have helped and civil disturbance and restored public order quickly."

    "The Army National Guard motto was always ready, always there. The DC National Guard was ready to help and assist Capitol Police, but we were NOT ALLOWED to do our job due to paralyzed decision-making by acting Secretary of Defense,Chris Miller and Secretary of the Army, Ryan McCarthy..."

    "This led to a crisis in federal leadership at the Pentagon and delayed the DC response by 3 hours and 19 minutes."

    This is critical testimony exposing the U.S. government as perpetrating a false narrative of events for January 6 to frame Donald Trump as participating in a treasonous "insurrection" when the opposite was true.

    The President of the United States had pre-authorized the deployment of 10,000 National Guard troops and delegated this responsibility to the Secretary of the Army.

    But instead of deploying National Guard troops to secure the capitol during the election challenges in the Electoral College, the Pentagon delayed dispatching troops over an alleged concern for "optics," even as the same government would later call January 6 'an existential threat to democracy.'

    The U.S. government allowed the January 6 riots to happen in order to frame Donald Trump and his supporters as 'insurrectionists.' It is simple as that.
    National Guard Captain Blows Up J6 Narrative, Accuses U.S. Govt of Lying to the American People "I'm here today to aid the subcommittee in resolving factual errors in the official record of what happened on January 6th, 2021, specifically regarding the alleged District of Columbia National Guard delayed response caused by a critical presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed Pentagon senior officials," Captain Timothy Nick testified under oath on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. [...] "First, I want to explain my role on January 6th. I was assigned as aid to camp the personal assistant to Major General William Walker, the commanding General of DC National Guard. It was my only second day on the job (!). Please focus on alleged facts found in the November 16th, 2021 Department of Defense Inspector General's multidisciplinary review into the DC National Guard response and Department of Defense's role that day." "I can say unequivocally that the Inspector General's Review is riddled with inaccuracies, misstatements, and perhaps false flags and narratives regarding how critical Pentagon senior officials responded when our republic was under great stress (!!)." "For instance, during a conference call at 2:31 PM with members of United States Army, US Capitol Police, Metropolitan Police Department, District of Columbia Government, and US Secret Service Uniform Division, the US Army's Lieutenant General Walter Piatt, Director of Army staff and the Army's Lieutenant General Charles Flynn, Director of Chief of Staff of Operations were on the call." Also was Colonel John Lubas, executive officer to the Secretary of the Army." "The Army FALSELEY DENIED that General Flynn was ever on the call. This is false and material on its face. Lieutenant Flynn was on the call and even participated in discussions. The defense inspector's review also rounds language papering over the fact that Lieutenant General Piatt, Lieutenant General Flynn, while on the call discussed how they did not like the OPTICS." "That is a direct quote, and they stated it would be in their best military advice to recommend to the Secretary of the Army, Ryan McCarthy, to deny the request from Command General William Walker to deploy the DC National Guard and aid US Capitol Police in restoring restoration of Order Liberty on Capitol Hill." "In addition, former [Army] Secretary Ryan McCarthy claims he was on a two three 1:00 PM call and spoke on that call. This is FALSE, unless he was in the room shadowing the call and he did not speak nor identify himself." "He was not on the call. He was en route to Washington, DC Regional office at the Federal Bureau of Investigation to support that agent's concept of operations plan for January 6th." "He went on the claim that he called and spoke to Major General Walker at least twice, ordering the deployment of the DC National Guard. This is also FALSE. At no time did General Walker take any calls, nor did we ever hear from the secretary on any of the ongoing conference calls or the secure video teleconferencing throughout the day." "This I know because I was with the Command General the entire time recording events throughout the day. Major General Walker told by staff officers to stand by with respect to deploying to the Capitol Hill. Only at 5:09 PM in the early evening, which I wrote down in my wheel book, was the DC Guard given an order to deploy and move to the Capitol to assist Capitol Police." "We arrived too late. One American laid dead with other sisters and brothers injured, including federal and local law enforcement officers. We were ready and standing by. I know if we were able to deploy immediately, when General Walker made the request, the National Guard could have helped and civil disturbance and restored public order quickly." "The Army National Guard motto was always ready, always there. The DC National Guard was ready to help and assist Capitol Police, but we were NOT ALLOWED to do our job due to paralyzed decision-making by acting Secretary of Defense,Chris Miller and Secretary of the Army, Ryan McCarthy..." "This led to a crisis in federal leadership at the Pentagon and delayed the DC response by 3 hours and 19 minutes." This is critical testimony exposing the U.S. government as perpetrating a false narrative of events for January 6 to frame Donald Trump as participating in a treasonous "insurrection" when the opposite was true. The President of the United States had pre-authorized the deployment of 10,000 National Guard troops and delegated this responsibility to the Secretary of the Army. But instead of deploying National Guard troops to secure the capitol during the election challenges in the Electoral College, the Pentagon delayed dispatching troops over an alleged concern for "optics," even as the same government would later call January 6 'an existential threat to democracy.' The U.S. government allowed the January 6 riots to happen in order to frame Donald Trump and his supporters as 'insurrectionists.' It is simple as that.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2150 Views 0 Reviews
  • The Fight is against this crooked mentality!

    This guy (video below) who has a healthy body and is somewhere around 30 years old expects pension from the Government.

    Hindu Shastra says a society should provide everything free for children and the old. But should never give anything for free to working class population.

    Providing everything to a child with goodwill fosters a positive mentality towards society. As they grow, they are more likely to contribute to society's betterment.

    An old man who cannot earn a bread for himself needs to be supported by the society as it signals payback to those who have supported us through their life.

    But a working class needs to work hard towards making the society better and stronger. He is the pillar upon which the society stands, and he should not beg for anything.

    But a few, want to destroy this fabric by providing free to the working-class population.

    Many argue that all parties are doing the same, but there is a fundamental difference between the BJP and other parties.

    Let's take the example of Surya Bijli Yojana.
    Kejriwal Ji and Congress Government in Karnataka are giving free electricity. Now it is not that the electricity is produced for free. Both the AAP and Congress Government need to pay to the electricity companies.

    There's irony in the Congress criticizing Adani while relying on Adani for electricity. But the bigger concern is the habit of giving things away for free.

    Now let's see what BJP is doing through Surya Bijli Yojana. It says you install a 3KW Solar Panel. Which costs around 1.5 lakh. The Government will provide a subsidy of 75 thousand Rs. Once this is installed you will get electricity for free for the next 25 years.

    Here the BJP Government is motivating people to be self-reliant and not be dependent on Government. People will get free electricity in both the cases.

    But with AAP and Congress model it is at the cost of development. But with BJP it is not at the cost of development as the Government will pay just once but for the rest of the years the Government can use this money for other developmental projects like roads, hospitals, schools, etc.

    Under the leadership of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the BJP Government implemented a revolutionary pension policy. With the old pension scheme, approximately Rs 3 lakh crore is allocated to retired Government Servants annually.

    I am not against helping retired Government employees but simply suggesting that the method can be different.

    But do you imagine what Rs 3 lakh crore means. What can it do in terms of development?
    Government employees are required to save a portion of their salary with the government for 20 years. Upon retirement, this corpus is invested to provide a pension without any government expense, promoting self-dependence.

    It's upon you to decide! It is your duty to make the underprivileged realize the difference between the policies and ideologies.

    "If you give a man a fish, you’ll feed him for a day & he will hungry next day. But if  you teach him how to fish, he will be able to earn his daily meal on his own and will no longer be dependent on anyone"
    Dr GP
    The Fight is against this crooked mentality! This guy (video below) who has a healthy body and is somewhere around 30 years old expects pension from the Government. Hindu Shastra says a society should provide everything free for children and the old. But should never give anything for free to working class population. Providing everything to a child with goodwill fosters a positive mentality towards society. As they grow, they are more likely to contribute to society's betterment. An old man who cannot earn a bread for himself needs to be supported by the society as it signals payback to those who have supported us through their life. But a working class needs to work hard towards making the society better and stronger. He is the pillar upon which the society stands, and he should not beg for anything. But a few, want to destroy this fabric by providing free to the working-class population. Many argue that all parties are doing the same, but there is a fundamental difference between the BJP and other parties. Let's take the example of Surya Bijli Yojana. Kejriwal Ji and Congress Government in Karnataka are giving free electricity. Now it is not that the electricity is produced for free. Both the AAP and Congress Government need to pay to the electricity companies. There's irony in the Congress criticizing Adani while relying on Adani for electricity. But the bigger concern is the habit of giving things away for free. Now let's see what BJP is doing through Surya Bijli Yojana. It says you install a 3KW Solar Panel. Which costs around 1.5 lakh. The Government will provide a subsidy of 75 thousand Rs. Once this is installed you will get electricity for free for the next 25 years. Here the BJP Government is motivating people to be self-reliant and not be dependent on Government. People will get free electricity in both the cases. But with AAP and Congress model it is at the cost of development. But with BJP it is not at the cost of development as the Government will pay just once but for the rest of the years the Government can use this money for other developmental projects like roads, hospitals, schools, etc. Under the leadership of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the BJP Government implemented a revolutionary pension policy. With the old pension scheme, approximately Rs 3 lakh crore is allocated to retired Government Servants annually. I am not against helping retired Government employees but simply suggesting that the method can be different. But do you imagine what Rs 3 lakh crore means. What can it do in terms of development? Government employees are required to save a portion of their salary with the government for 20 years. Upon retirement, this corpus is invested to provide a pension without any government expense, promoting self-dependence. It's upon you to decide! It is your duty to make the underprivileged realize the difference between the policies and ideologies. "If you give a man a fish, you’ll feed him for a day & he will hungry next day. But if  you teach him how to fish, he will be able to earn his daily meal on his own and will no longer be dependent on anyone" Dr GP
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3548 Views 1 0 Reviews
  • Pakistani women are demanding leadership similar to that of Yogi Adityanath for their safety. Not only in Pakistan but in many countries, there is a growing public sentiment for leaders like Yogi Adityanath.

    His statement and strong action "The mafia will go where it belongs. There will be no compromise. Some will be in jail, some in ****" is being widely supported.
    Pakistani women are demanding leadership similar to that of Yogi Adityanath for their safety. Not only in Pakistan but in many countries, there is a growing public sentiment for leaders like Yogi Adityanath. His statement and strong action "The mafia will go where it belongs. There will be no compromise. Some will be in jail, some in hell" is being widely supported.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1474 Views 0 Reviews
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